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Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

We are Frequency

The concept of humans being electromagnetic has gained prominence in the last few decades. And this concept has given rise to a number of treatments and diagnostic procedures that can bring about remarkable innovation in the field of medicine. Here is a brief introduction of how frequency therapy can be used to restore your health. … Read more

The #1 Cause of Chronic Inflammatory Conditions

“Leaky gut” or gut permeability The recent explosion of research into the gut microbiome and overall gastrointestinal function has allowed great insight into the impact of gut health on systemic disease. Researchers acknowledge that interactions between the microbiome, gastrointestinal barrier integrity and immune system are integral to development of many chronic inflammatory diseases. “Leaky gut” … Read more


Learn more about how our modern lifestyles affect both fertility and the health of our children in my book, Conversations with my Daughter:  How to Have a Healthy Baby. Order your paperback copy today from True Medicine or e-book from Balboa Press. Many couples eagerly look forward to the day when they can welcome a … Read more

Support your natural defences

We live in a microbial world, which means that we constantly encounter microorganisms that could harm our health. The immune system forms the body’s entire department of defence. Its primary goal is to protect us from invading microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. Providing your immune system with all the necessary support can help … Read more

Healing with Plants: Beating the Winter Bugs

The strongest weapon against the first signs of infection is a robust immune system that is primed and ready for attack.  With the cold and flu season looming, traditional herbal wisdom provides us with a powerful toolbox we can draw upon to stimulate the immune response in effort to combat viruses before they take hold … Read more

Good health starts in the mouth

Oral microbial health can influence the health of teeth and gums, as well as systemic health.  As we are beginning to understand, the body contains may distinct microbiomes. The oral cavity is no exception, harbouring up to 200 microbial species per person and several discrete microbial colonies on the different surfaces available for adherence (teeth, … Read more

Mouth bacteria affect mood

Oral health shown to affect many other areas of the body – mind, heart, depression, anxiety and more … It is well established that the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders involves uncontrolled inflammatory processes. More recently, it has been discovered that inflammatory proteins associated with periodontitis may exacerbate or increase susceptibility to mental health disorders.   Evidence … Read more

Why some get sick and others do not

Terrain Theory vs Germ Theory – Written by Deborah Freudenmann BHSc It is commonly observed that some people tend to be more prone to develop health issues like infections and allergies more commonly than others. Also, some people tend to develop more severe symptoms of infections or other diseases while some develop very mild symptoms … Read more


Breaking the stress-insomnia cycle is imperative to recovery from both stressful situations and the insomnia that may ensue. Recent studies into sleep disturbances has revealed that 4 out of 10 Australians do not get enough quality sleep every night.  While an individual’s need for sleep may vary, the generally recommended 8 hours are all too … Read more

Probiotics and our Microbiome

What do probiotics actually do?  Are they necessary? Believe it or not but our bodies have an internal ecosystem that is non human. We are a host to trillions of bacteria! These bacteria are our life force and play an important role in our ability to function as a living being. Without bacteria we simply … Read more