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MTHFR, Methylation, SNPs – what do they mean for you?

What is Methylation? Methylation is a vital metabolic process that happens in every cell and every organ in your body, taking place a million times a second. Life would simply not exist without it. Think of billions of little on/off switches inside your body that control everything from your stress response and how your body … Read more

Keep your brain working well

There are ever increasing reams of evidence of how natural remedies can help alleviate many chronic diseases we are currently facing. Chronic diseases are the leading cause of health problems and death worldwide1.  Among these is a staggering increase in cognition-related diseases including mild cognitive impairment or decline to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Cognitive impairment … Read more

Minerals for strong bones

Mastering Manganese ‘A well-known professional basketball player was a devout vegetarian. He felt he performed better if he kept to a strict vegetarian diet. However, while his shooting and concentration seemed improved, he kept breaking bones, which then healed very, very, slowly. His joints also became increasingly unstable. His basketball career seemed to be at … Read more

Genes do not determine your health

You only “inherit” a small percentage of your health outcomes – environmental impacts or epigenetics hold the key. Millions of research hours have been put into the complex field of geroscience to answer the age-old question of why some people age better than others. Recent twin studies revealed that heritable genetics may only play a … Read more

The gut, microbiome and muscles

We have heard about the gut-brain axis, but what about the gut-muscle axis? And most importantly, how does it work and what conditions does it work in? A 2017 review investigated the role of the gut microbiome in sarcopenia and whether there is a gut-muscle axis that may be involved in its pathogenesis.1 Primary sarcopenia … Read more

Exposing hidden heavy metal toxicity

Heavy metals are so ubiquitous in our environment that everyone is exposed to them.  They cannot be avoided completely and are found in virtually everyone to some degree.  Sources of heavy metals range from environmental, occupational, household (including  foods, water, paints, cosmetics, etc), medical and hobbies. Heavy metals can enter the body through inhalation, intestinal … Read more

Detoxing – the body’s housekeeping

Every day, our bodies are exposed to pollutants and chemicals (external) and endogenous (internal) waste products. We process and eliminate most of these toxins as part of normal detoxification and elimination processes, via the liver, kidneys, intestines, skin, lungs and lymph. However, sometimes detoxification and elimination is impaired due to lifestyle, environmental and/or genetic factors.(1) … Read more

Natural medicines under wrongful fire

On Monday 10 September 2018 the current Governments’ health insurance reform laws were passed by the Senate, which includes the approved removal of 16 natural therapies from the Private Health Insurance rebates. It will now be a straightforward process for those laws to be in place by 01 April 2019. NHMRC Review of Naturopathy  The … Read more

Why “Active” vitamins are best

In order for your body to utilise the vitamins you take, these must be converted into an active form.  Just like a new credit card needs to be activated before you can begin using it. Let’s look at Vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine.  For Vitamin B6 to be utilised by the body it must be … Read more

Celery: the saviour?

“If people knew all the potent healing properties of celery juice, it would be widely hailed as a miraculous super-food. Celery has an incredible ability to create sweeping improvements for all kinds of health issues.”  Many of you may be familiar with these claims and the information which has been widely published by the person … Read more