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Balancing hormones with good nutrition

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) PMS affects up to 80-90% of females of reproductive age and is characterised by luteal phase physical, mood and behavioural symptoms. PMS has a large impact on quality of life and daily activities. It is believed magnesium modulates hormonal levels, especially progesterone, to relieve symptoms of depression, irritability, tiredness, and anxiety.1 Dysmenorrhoea … Read more

No “One size fits all”

When it comes to using supplements, there are a lot of considerations that must be taken into account.  Simply reading something or listening to a well-meaning friend and then purchasing a supplement off the shelf does not mean it is suitable for you. Here’s one example of ECGC, an extract from green tea, known for … Read more

Born Toxic

We’ve all wondered if the plastic in our environment reaches our unborn babies in the womb and now, for the first time, scientists have actually found small plastic fragments in the human placenta.1 Plastic, in its many forms, is very useful and not likely to disappear off the shelves anytime soon. So limiting exposure, especially … Read more

We are Frequency

The concept of humans being electromagnetic has gained prominence in the last few decades. And this concept has given rise to a number of treatments and diagnostic procedures that can bring about remarkable innovation in the field of medicine. Here is a brief introduction of how frequency therapy can be used to restore your health. … Read more

MTHFR, Methylation, SNPs – what do they mean for you?

What is Methylation? Methylation is a vital metabolic process that happens in every cell and every organ in your body, taking place a million times a second. Life would simply not exist without it. Think of billions of little on/off switches inside your body that control everything from your stress response and how your body … Read more

Prevention of Breast Cancer

While it is refreshing to see more and more published medical research on prevention of cancer, much of the information is quite generic.  There is no mention of the most beneficial forms of the nutrients mentioned.  Everyone has unique needs with some people requiring activated forms of certain vitamins, others have problems absorbing or metabolising … Read more

Cancer’s financial burden

How Can We Afford Cancer Treatment? Cancer costs a lot of money.  The following breakdown in the financial cost of cancer highlights the imbalance between the current focus on expensive and invasive treatment -v- prevention.  Awareness and education about factors that contribute to the development of cancer coupled with lifestyle and dietary advice to help … Read more

Natural medicines under wrongful fire

On Monday 10 September 2018 the current Governments’ health insurance reform laws were passed by the Senate, which includes the approved removal of 16 natural therapies from the Private Health Insurance rebates. It will now be a straightforward process for those laws to be in place by 01 April 2019. NHMRC Review of Naturopathy  The … Read more

Balancing female hormones

From puberty, to periods, to menopause – hormones can pose a challenge for many women throughout their lives. You may be all too familiar with symptoms such as painful, heavy or irregular periods, premenstrual mood swings and bloating, hot flushes…and the list goes on. Female hormonal conditions are complex and frequently frustrating for women. While … Read more

New study: Breast cancer & Chemo

The following article is provided for information purposes.  Professional advice is required, enabling any person diagnosed with cancer to make an informed choice. The article is generally correct but only specific testing will demonstrate which patients will benefit or which will need chemotherapy. The New-York Times:  By Denise Grady June 3, 2018 Many women with … Read more