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Disease is not caused by your genes

Naturopathy is based on the fundamental principle  of treating the individual person rather than their symptoms or disease state. In order to identify the underlying cause of any symptoms, it is valuable to gain as comprehensive a case picture as possible, and certainly the more detailed information, the better understanding the practitioner has of the … Read more

Chemotherapy – some new thoughts

The Wall Street Journal by Lucette Lagnado January 29, 2018 Chemo or no chemo? That is the question. Doctors are at odds over whether some women with breast cancer should have chemotherapy—one treatment among the arsenal long seen as crucial to fighting the disease, along with surgery and radiation. Many oncologists are shunning chemo as … Read more

Millions for drugs that don’t work

Perhaps we should all be appalled by how the pharmaceutical industry takes advantage of the sick, by offering solutions that are proven not to work, but cost a fortune and cripple the finances of individuals and entire governments. These same players will claim that holistic medicine is bogus and has no scientific basis, and position … Read more

The best treatment is Prevention

The Leading-Edge in Cancer Recovery Methods are your best Prevention By: Nancy Callahan, B.Sc Maybe it’s your time to take cancer prevention more seriously.  We keep reading anywhere from 50% to 65% or more of cancer is caused by ‘environmental factors’, depending on the organization reporting.  Leading experts claim it’s even higher.  Yet all too … Read more

Belief or Manipulation?

Are your beliefs holding you back? Beliefs are based upon experience, are changeable, can be complex and are not necessarily fact.  We all have these beliefs, developing them throughout the course of our lives.  Some areas that are most affected by our beliefs include religion, politics, health care and education.  Very often we tend to … Read more

Hormones: more than just reproduction

When talk turns to hormones, most people think reproduction, monthly cycle, moods or the wife/girlfriend from hell. Truth is that our hormones are involved in a multitude of functions in the body. Most of these go unnoticed, at least until things get out of whack. At the heart of every woman’s health is her hormonal … Read more

Nourish your cells

Most vitamins were found, described and synthesized in the first part of the 20th century. In the sixties, biochemist and psychiatrist Dr. Abram Hoffer theorized – and proved in practice – that  He founded the Journal of Schizophrenia, later renamed Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. Ortho means “right”, so the term orthomolecular means to set things straight on a … Read more

How effective is chemotherapy?

The following report is courtesy of Daniel Weber, Panaxea International: An important paper has been published in the Australian journal Clinical Oncology. This meta-analysis, entitled “The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies” set out to accurately quantify and assess the actual benefit conferred by chemotherapy in the treatment of adults with … Read more