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Food for thought: what’s making us fat and sick

Few would deny that the abundance of high calorie foods couples with a sedentary lifestyle is in the most part responsible for the surge in obesity in modern times. However, despite all the good advice about the importance of diet and exercise, there are anomalies in this theory.  For example, there are those who scarcely … Read more

Life, stress & illness

  The relationship between stress and illness is complex. The susceptibility to stress varies from person to person.  Factors that influence the susceptibility to stress are: genetic vulnerability familial learned mechanisms coping style type of personality and social support. Studies have shown that short-term stress boosted the immune system, but chronic stress has a significant … Read more

Good digestion is essential to a healthy body

Digestive disorders are now considered rampant and new evidence is pointing to the rise in metabolic acidosis, the new ‘disease of civilisation’, as the cause.  by Toni Crisp (Nut Med) B Arts (Journalism)  Metabolic acidosis is a condition in which the body produces too much acid or when the kidneys cannot remove or neutralise acids in … Read more

Can you help me?

When I receive phone calls from people enquiring about how natural medicine could help with their diagnosed conditions, my response may often appear vague. The reason for this is that there is no one treatment that fits every person or every dis-ease.  My response is usually that after a careful and thorough assessment of your situation, … Read more

Managing Food Intolerance and Leaky Gut

Food intolerance is a result of a reaction to a food, beverage, food additive or component found in food that produce symptoms in one or more of the body’s organs and systems, but is not a true allergy.  Food intolerance can also be triggered by incomplete digestion of food which may result in poor assimilation … Read more

Omega 3 – Dosage matters

Omega-3 consumption in diet and as supplements has long shown promise as a potential therapy to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Just how much of these essential fats must be consumed for their protective benefits has remained a point of debate. A recent study reveals that omega-3 dosage matters when it comes … Read more

Bloating, gas, abdominal discomfort?

Research into functional bowel disorders has linked the complex relationship of certain types of carbohydrates and gastrointestinal symptoms. FODMAP, which stands for fermentable oligo-di-monosaccharides and polyols is a collective term describing the short chain, poorly absorbed carbohydrates found in many common foods. In some people, the gut bacteria rapidly ferment FODMAPs producing gases and water … Read more


What is “Anti-aging”? Anti-aging is physiologically, psychologically and emotionally growing younger while reducing the biological signs of aging.  It is staying functional at a high level until death occurs without senescence or a significant decline in wellness.  Dr Jeff Bland What is Aging? We as a society tend to accept deteriorating health as ‘getting older’ … Read more

The bitter truth about sugar

Over the past several decades our sugar consumption has increased dramatically.  It is not only the white grains that are of concern, but the highly processed sugary syrups that are added to so many foods and beverages.  In particular, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which forms the base of soft drinks, baby foods and many … Read more

Why do I need to see a Naturopath?

“I went on line and researched my symptoms.  I found this really good website which explained my disease and recommended all these great products.  I got all that needed on line.” Does this sound familiar?  Have you been tempted to self-diagnose yourself after reading information, whether it be on the internet, in a magazine or … Read more