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Gut health & fertility: often overlooked – a Case Study

Hippocrates stated that all disease begins in the gut. This example demonstrates how an undiagnosed gastrointestinal condition can impact on fertility and how the holistic naturopathic approach uncovered the underlying cause of repeated early pregnancy loss. A 29 year old female presented with fertility concerns. She and her partner had been attempting to conceive for … Read more

Foetal programming

Although research into foetal programming has been ongoing for years, little of this evidence has made it into main-stream. What is foetal programming? Foetal programming, also known as prenatal programming, is the theory that environmental cues experienced during foetal development play an important role in determining health trajectories across the lifespan of that child. The … Read more

Male fertility improves on Mediterranean diet

Image: Corsetti V, Notari T, Montano L. Effects of the low-carb organic Mediterranean diet on testosterone levels and sperm DNA fragmentation. Current Research in Food Science. 2023;7:100636. The pink columns represent values prior to the dietary intervention and the green columns are values obtained following the intervention. It can be seen that testosterone rose from 11.1 nmol/L to … Read more

Environmental Toxins and your Health

Everyday exposure to toxins are silently wreaking havoc on our well-being, causing a surge in chronic diseases and health complications, including declining fertility rates. In this video, Dr Mark Hyman speaks with Dr. Joseph Pizzorno about the hidden dangers of environmental toxins. Learn about practical detoxification pathways, foods that support detox, and effective methods like … Read more

When hearts are made

Could some congenital heart surgery be avoided? “Little Matilda was just 10 days old when she had open heart surgery.” * A congenital heart defect, which would have been fatal if untreated was detected using a foetal heart ultrasound. Thanks to technology, a young life was saved. However, this also raises much deeper questions. For … Read more

Male fertility on the decline

Fertility expert Professor Peter Koopman at the University of Queensland says, “Since the 1970s, we have seen a huge increase in prevalence of male infertility and testicular cancer; this increase is directly attributable to environmental factors such as pollutants, cigarette smoke and exposure to chemicals.”[i] In 2017, research found that, between 1973 and 2011, there … Read more

Information courtesy of Deborah Freudenmann BHSc What are the symptoms of mould exposure? Mould enters our bodies through the respiratory tract as we breathe in the spores. While some people don’t notice any health changes when exposed to mould, others notice major impacts to their lung health, breathing capacity, and general wellness. Many also develop … Read more

Hormones and our daily rhythms

Circadian rhythm or internal clock?   Usually we hear about the circadian rhythm in relationship to melatonin; however, holistically speaking, our endocrine circuit runs on a clock, with some pulsatile, situational variation of course. Not everything is perfectly aligned to these times. Consider this graphic a framework (based on the reference below). The daylight-driven hormones like … Read more

What will your baby inherit?

Blue eyes?  Blonde hair?  OR lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium …..? Heavy metal testing should be the foundation of every preconception and infertility program.  Testing available through True Medicine. You may think that you lead a ‘healthy’ lifestyle, but unfortunately we are exposed to innumerable environmental toxins every day – and these toxins build up on our … Read more