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Balancing female hormones

From puberty, to periods, to menopause – hormones can pose a challenge for many women throughout their lives. You may be all too familiar with symptoms such as painful, heavy or irregular periods, premenstrual mood swings and bloating, hot flushes…and the list goes on. Female hormonal conditions are complex and frequently frustrating for women. While … Read more

Mental health – anger issues and nutrition

Micronutrient Therapy for Negative Adolescent Behaviours It is a transformational time for our understanding of mental health disorders. They are no longer considered merely a chemical imbalance of neurotransmitter function but rather a broader interplay of factors which affect brain function.  Many emotional symptoms are in part the result of inflammation, gut dysbiosis, oxidative stress … Read more

Why “Active” vitamins are best

In order for your body to utilise the vitamins you take, these must be converted into an active form.  Just like a new credit card needs to be activated before you can begin using it. Let’s look at Vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine.  For Vitamin B6 to be utilised by the body it must be … Read more

Our children are becoming sicker

Chronic health conditions in children are rising Poor food choices,  allergy-based food avoidance and misguided parental food education frequently  result in a child’s sub-optimal nutritional status. For example, in 2014-15, only 5.4% of Australian children aged 2-18 years ate the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Add to this, environmental toxin exposure, stress in … Read more

Unhealthy eating habits lead to poor NAPLAN scores – study

An Australian study has confirmed what we already suspected: that eating nutrient poor foods results in poor academic outcomes, particularly in the areas of reading, numeracy and language (spelling, grammar and punctuation).  The study, only just published, was conducted in Adelaide with the participation of 26 schools and a total of 528 children aged 9 … Read more

Disease is not caused by your genes

Naturopathy is based on the fundamental principle  of treating the individual person rather than their symptoms or disease state. In order to identify the underlying cause of any symptoms, it is valuable to gain as comprehensive a case picture as possible, and certainly the more detailed information, the better understanding the practitioner has of the … Read more

Are your food choices making you sick?

GoodFood,  By PAULA GOODYER     April 10, 2018 Is it a coincidence that as the number of over-processed foods in our supermarkets has grown, the diversity of microbes living in our gut has shrunk? Many researchers say our modern diet has a lot to answer for when it comes to the rise in obesity, diabetes, allergy … Read more

Support sleep and gut health in ASD children

Nearly half of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder have compromised gastrointestinal function and nutrient deficiencies. Studies show the positive effect of multivitamin and mineral supplement on symptoms. Children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) are known to have significantly lower levels of most vitamins and minerals compared to healthy controls. The most common deficiencies are Vitamins … Read more

ADHD and impulsive behaviour

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most diagnosed behavioural disorder in children. The development of ADHD is multifactorial and can involve genetic, social, nutritional, parental and developmental factors, as well as environmental toxins. It is normal for children to have periods of inattention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity. However, when these behaviours become more frequent, last longer and more … Read more

Social Media addiction explained

Every wondered why so many people seem to be addicted to their smart phone?  What the magnet of checking social media is?  Well, it seems that it all comes down to our reward system in the brain. The following article explains the processes and how companies are jumping on the bandwagon to further control human … Read more