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Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

Critical vaccine studies

Whether or not to vaccinate should not be the question, but rather “how can we vaccinate safely?”. What generally happens when someone questions our current vaccination protocols is they get shot down and branded “anti-vaccer” along with highly derogatory language. However, what is often overlooked is that most objections to the current methods of vaccination … Read more

Food for thought: what’s making us fat and sick

Few would deny that the abundance of high calorie foods couples with a sedentary lifestyle is in the most part responsible for the surge in obesity in modern times. However, despite all the good advice about the importance of diet and exercise, there are anomalies in this theory.  For example, there are those who scarcely … Read more

Mum’s diet determines child’s health

The following statistics are also relevant to Australian mothers and are a call to awareness that the health of our children is directly influenced by the mother’s dietary and lifestyle habits. Mums who eat high-fat, high-sugar diets may be putting future generations at risk for metabolic problems, even when their offspring eat healthy diets, a … Read more

Getting the Balance Right

Regulating our body’s pH or acid:alkaline levels is essential to good health. pH regulation is possibly one of the most under-estimated and misunderstood issues in our physiology, yet it is fundamental to every aspect of human health. You may be familiar with statements like “it’s important to alkalise your body” or “acidity is the cause … Read more

Magnesium – essential yet often deficient

Up to 60% of Australians, Americans and Europeans are deficient in magnesium, a mineral that is essential for so many different metabolic pathways and bodily functions that it should really be a public health priority. Magnesium deficiency is associated with: preterm labour high blood pressure muscle cramps anxiety constipation diabetes osteoporosis, and countless other common … Read more

Do we need to supplement?

When it comes to supplements, there is a lot of conflicting information around.  Some people insist that if you eat a healthy balanced diet, there is no need to supplement.  Yes, and, No. We live in a world where soils have become both depleted in nutrients and polluted with chemicals. Even if the mineral level … Read more

Warburg cancer theory revived

In the early 20th century, the German biochemist Otto Warburg believed that tumours could be treated by disrupting their source of energy. His idea was dismissed for decades — until now. The story of modern cancer research begins, somewhat improbably, with the sea urchin. In the first decade of the 20th century, the German biologist … Read more

Individualised care with DNA testing

Nutritional genomics has changed the landscape of weight and health management, providing personalised dietary recommendations based on an individual’s unique genetic profile. There are a range of non-invasive DNA tests that identify specific genes linked to the achievement of optimum health, weight management, hormone metabolism and athletic performance. The tests provide the opportunity to personalise … Read more

Is your Gut happy?

During the past two decades, gluten sensitivity and Coeliac Disease (CD) have been recognised as multi-system autoimmune disorders with researchers and clinicians noting extra-intestinal manifestations linked to CD. So what does this mean? Psychiatric symptoms can be common complications manifesting for patients with undiagnosed CD. Interestingly, as many as 57% of the people with neurological … Read more

Can you help me?

When I receive phone calls from people enquiring about how natural medicine could help with their diagnosed conditions, my response may often appear vague. The reason for this is that there is no one treatment that fits every person or every dis-ease.  My response is usually that after a careful and thorough assessment of your situation, … Read more