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Gut health & fertility: often overlooked – a Case Study

Hippocrates stated that all disease begins in the gut. This example demonstrates how an undiagnosed gastrointestinal condition can impact on fertility and how the holistic naturopathic approach uncovered the underlying cause of repeated early pregnancy loss. A 29 year old female presented with fertility concerns. She and her partner had been attempting to conceive for … Read more

Transgenerational effects

Today’s blog is a reminder that everything that you do, eat, consume and are exposed to will influence your fertility, pregnancy outcomes and the health of your children as well as your grandchildren. This applies to both parents. Reproductive health can be significantly impacted by environmental factors. • These factors include physical (e.g., pollution), biological … Read more

Environmental chemicals alter hormones

A category of environmental toxins are the Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals or EDCs. As the name implies, this group of chemicals change the way our hormones work. The hormones affected include all reproductive hormones — oestrogens, progesterone, testosterone — as well as other chemicals produced in our body. This also includes thyroid hormones. The first trimester … Read more

Foetal programming

Although research into foetal programming has been ongoing for years, little of this evidence has made it into main-stream. What is foetal programming? Foetal programming, also known as prenatal programming, is the theory that environmental cues experienced during foetal development play an important role in determining health trajectories across the lifespan of that child. The … Read more

How stress affects reproduction

It’s all connected We all know that stress isn’t good for our health, but what we often do not realise is that there is an intimate connection between stress, adrenal function, thyroid function and reproductive issues.  Continuous stress leads to high levels of stress hormones which not only negatively impact on thyroid function, but also … Read more

Male fertility improves on Mediterranean diet

Image: Corsetti V, Notari T, Montano L. Effects of the low-carb organic Mediterranean diet on testosterone levels and sperm DNA fragmentation. Current Research in Food Science. 2023;7:100636. The pink columns represent values prior to the dietary intervention and the green columns are values obtained following the intervention. It can be seen that testosterone rose from 11.1 nmol/L to … Read more

Aspartame and brain damage

I shared the following article on my previous website in 2008 and, sadly, it seems that far too many people remain unaware of this information – particularly as it relates to mental health and neurological issues, both of which have increased in the past decade. Consuming a lot of aspartame may inhibit the ability of … Read more

Male fertility improved on Mediterranean diet

Historically, women have always been the focus of all matters relating to fertility and pregnancy, but with global increases in infertility, more research is focusing on the men. The causes of male infertility can vary. Lifestyles, environmental factors, stressful conditions, and socio-economic conditions are significant factors. Diet plays a crucial role in improving a man’s … Read more

Folate, pregnancy, Neural Tube Defects and more

In the 60s it was suggested that low folate status was one specific risk factor for Neural Tube Defects (NTD) including Spina Bifida. What began with recommendations to supplement with folic acid during pregnancy expanded into mandatory food fortification in many countries, including Australia[i] in the mid to late 1990’s. Both of these approaches have … Read more