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The following information is courtesy of Dr Mercola and An estimated 12.3 million Americans over 50 are affected by osteoporosis (“porous bone” or low bone density), and an additional 47 million younger Americans are in the early stages. Worldwide, the prevalence is 18.3% Rates of hip fractures vary from tenfold to a hundredfold between … Read more

Why this is NOT the way to alkalise your body

Bicarbonate soda supplementation is NOT the ideal way to alkalise your body. Over the centuries human diets have evolved from being alkaline to acidic, which can lead to detrimental health effects. The body uses endogenous [made in your body] bicarbonate to buffer this acidity, but supply is limited. This has lead to the belief that … Read more

Cataracts – prevention and treatment

The following article excerpt shares information provided by Dr. Eric Berg, a chiropractor and health educator, and Dr Mercola  Cataracts1 is an eye condition that causes your vision to blur due to a buildup of proteins on the lens of your eye. Left untreated, cataracts can result in progressive loss of vision and, ultimately, blindness. Risk … Read more

Low iron

Do you have low iron levels?  Iron levels won’t remain replete despite supplementation or even infusions? Lactoferrin may help. Article written by Laura Dwyer, BHSc (Naturopathy) published in ATMS Journal Vol 28 No 3 Anaemia – Iron Deficiency (ID) or Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA) – is a global public health concern, predominantly afflicting adolescent girls, … Read more

Immune defence network

The immune system is a complex defence network made up of three layers (Figure 1) – physical, chemical and mechanical.  The first level of defence represents the physical or mechanical barriers which includes the skin, mucous membranes and cilia (which trap and prevent pathogen entry as found in respiratory and digestive tracts). Chemical barriers include … Read more

Coping with Stress

Stress is an integral part of our life and everyone experiences stress from time to time. It can create an adverse impact on your physical, mental and spiritual health, and affect your personal relationships, career, and social life. Improving your stress resilience could play a critical role in reducing the impact of stress on your … Read more

Candida – causes and answers

Article courtesy of Deborah Freudenmann, BHSc(Nat) Candida Albicans is one of the common fungal yeasts occurring naturally in the body. It lives in harmony with a large variety of microorganisms and performs some critical functions. However, patients may develop symptoms when some lifestyle-linked environmental conditions disrupt the balance of the microbiota of the body. The … Read more

Holiday season tips

The month of festivities is here! A time of getting together, laughter, celebration and often over indulgence.  All this indulgence during the festive season can take its toll on our gut microbiome and health. Why not try to not let your gut health fall to far behind this festive season. After what 2020 has taught … Read more

Tired or Wired? Adrenal fatigue?

Feeling tired?  Just not enough energy to get through the daily demands?  Have you experienced chronic stress – this does not need to be a major trauma, but can be a long-term exposure to any form of stress – physical, mental, emotional; always on the go!  If so, perhaps your adrenal glands are also tired. … Read more

Hydration is more than just drinking water

Let’s talk about what it means to be hydrated!  Many people drink abundant amounts of water, yet they are not hydrated. Drinking water does not necessarily mean you will be hydrated. Similarly to eating good food does not necessarily mean the cells are getting their nutrients either. One has to drink water of quality—water is … Read more