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Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

Naturopathy helps again

When it comes to Naturopaths, many people are unfamiliar with how natural medicine may be able to help with their symptoms.  Indeed, some even shy away from Naturopaths due to ignorance about the amount of qualifications held by these practitioners.  Next time you experience symptoms of discomfort, pain or disease, or just want to prevent … Read more

Beware of Proton Pump Inhibitors

Proton pump inhibitors:  re-emerging safety concerns Prescribed ant-acid medications or Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI) are used for the management of a variety of digestive disorders, including reflux and functional dyspepsia.  Since their introduction in the early 1990s, the use of PPI has increased by more than 1000% in Australia, with over 19 million prescriptions written … Read more

Inflammatory Bowel Disease relief

In lay terms, the following research discusses the benefits of a healthy plant-based diet on relieving the symptoms and damage related to bowel inflammation. In particular, the G.E.M.M. protocol, available only through specially trained and accredited practitioners, has proven highly successful in relieving and regulating digestive imbalances. While there are many products available that fall … Read more

IBS and Anxiety

Research is linking gut and mental health problems revealing more and more studies that highlight the importance of a holistic approach. The psychological burden associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is high, with estimates that up to 60 percent of sufferers experience comorbid psychiatric illnesses such as anxiety, and almost 40 percent contemplate suicide.1 Rectal … Read more