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Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

Mediterranean Diet – why is it so good for us?

We have known for decades that the Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of heart attack and other conditions – now we are starting to understand how certain components of the diet work their magic. When it comes to healthier diets, one of them has always had a have-your-cake-and-eat-it feel. For decades, we have been told … Read more

Is your girth expanding?

The following is an excerpt of a blog which you can listen to here: There can be a strong hormonal component to abdominal weight gain. And in most people, that hormone is insulin. And let’s start with “what is insulin resistance?”. In simplest terms, insulin resistance is dysfunction of the metabolic nuts and bolts … Read more

Everyday Chemicals & PCOS

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) EDCs are found in commercial, industrial and agricultural industries, and can alter the body’s hormonal and  regulatory systems. The hormonal disruption caused by EDCs can interfere with the endocrine system and contribute to the  development of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). EDCs have been found to disrupt the reproductive and metabolic systems … Read more

Struggling to lose weight?

5 Signs that Acidosis is Sabotaging Weight Loss Acid-base homeostasis is crucial for healthy endocrine system function. The endocrine glands produce wide-ranging hormones which regulate the body’s metabolism and are highly sensitive to imbalances such as chronic metabolic acidosis (CMA). CMA is characterised by a minor but insidious decrease in blood pH. Balancing the pH … Read more