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Plastic is in your body and brain

The following article was published by Dr Mercola and is a must-read for anyone who uses and disposes of plastic. Plastic Is Everywhere Now, Including Your Brain Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola   Fact Checked  May 11, 2023 STORY AT-A-GLANCE We live in a throwaway society, and products intended for short-term consumption are packaged in materials … Read more

Hormones and our daily rhythms

Circadian rhythm or internal clock?   Usually we hear about the circadian rhythm in relationship to melatonin; however, holistically speaking, our endocrine circuit runs on a clock, with some pulsatile, situational variation of course. Not everything is perfectly aligned to these times. Consider this graphic a framework (based on the reference below). The daylight-driven hormones like … Read more

Depression – shattering the current theory

Science and research are ongoing, often revealing new evidence that sometimes challenges long-standing and long-held theories.  What precedes many of these scientific findings is decades of clinical evidence – so once science catches up, it’s really exciting. SHATTERING THE SEROTONIN THEORY OF DEPRESSION “Although it is often stated with great confidence that depressed people have … Read more

What will your baby inherit?

Blue eyes?  Blonde hair?  OR lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium …..? Heavy metal testing should be the foundation of every preconception and infertility program.  Testing available through True Medicine. You may think that you lead a ‘healthy’ lifestyle, but unfortunately we are exposed to innumerable environmental toxins every day – and these toxins build up on our … Read more

Mental health tops chronic illness in Australia

                                            References i. Â 2021 Census data: over 8 million Australians have a long-term health condition. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Commonwealth of Australia (updated Jun 28 2022 accessed Jun 30 2022). Available from … Read more

Microcirculation = Our River of Life

Why is microcirculation so important? A healthy microvascular system is essential to the health of the entire body. It functions to supply blood, oxygen and nutrients to all of the body’s cells, tissues and organs.1  As such, poor microcirculation can lead to the initiation and gradual worsening of many chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, diabetic … Read more

Coping with Stress

Stress is an integral part of our life and everyone experiences stress from time to time. It can create an adverse impact on your physical, mental and spiritual health, and affect your personal relationships, career, and social life. Improving your stress resilience could play a critical role in reducing the impact of stress on your … Read more

Gut problems? Eat your vegies!

Do you: Feel easily bloated when consuming prebiotic-rich foods and prebiotic supplements? Feel desperately in need of support for gut and immune health? Eat lots of potentially carcinogenic foods? FINDING ANSWERS IN PLANT FOOD        It turns out that the answer has been ‘hiding in plain sight’ – in the form of dietary polyphenols.  The traditional … Read more

Dementia Awareness

Dementia affects close to half a million Australians and is set to double in the next 25 years. Unfortunately, many families will be starting to experience the impact of dementia in the next few years.1 Dementia Awareness Month promotes an active and rich life after diagnosis and aims to reduce preconceptions and discrimination against people … Read more

Mouth bacteria affect mood

Oral health shown to affect many other areas of the body – mind, heart, depression, anxiety and more … It is well established that the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders involves uncontrolled inflammatory processes. More recently, it has been discovered that inflammatory proteins associated with periodontitis may exacerbate or increase susceptibility to mental health disorders.   Evidence … Read more