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Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

Critical vaccine studies

Whether or not to vaccinate should not be the question, but rather “how can we vaccinate safely?”. What generally happens when someone questions our current vaccination protocols is they get shot down and branded “anti-vaccer” along with highly derogatory language. However, what is often overlooked is that most objections to the current methods of vaccination … Read more

Hormones: more than just reproduction

When talk turns to hormones, most people think reproduction, monthly cycle, moods or the wife/girlfriend from hell. Truth is that our hormones are involved in a multitude of functions in the body. Most of these go unnoticed, at least until things get out of whack. At the heart of every woman’s health is her hormonal … Read more

Making healthy babies

For parents-to-be, having a baby is a time when they are particularly mindful of their diet, lifestyle and supplementation choices. With a magnitude of overwhelming information and recommendations around what constitutes good choices during pregnancy, it can be difficult for patients to ascertain appropriate protocols and methods to minimise potential negative outcomes. According to a … Read more

Pesticides and Parkinson’s disease

A possible link between widely used pesticides in Australian food with Parkinson’s Disease uncovered by university studies. Parkinson’s disease is the second-most prevalent neurodegenerative condition in Australia, with an estimated 70,000 Australians living with the disease1 Recently, ABC News reported on research showing a cluster of Parkinson’s disease cases in rural Victoria that may be … Read more

Mum’s diet determines child’s health

The following statistics are also relevant to Australian mothers and are a call to awareness that the health of our children is directly influenced by the mother’s dietary and lifestyle habits. Mums who eat high-fat, high-sugar diets may be putting future generations at risk for metabolic problems, even when their offspring eat healthy diets, a … Read more

Chemicals that endanger a child’s brain development

In a new report, dozens of scientists, health practitioners and children’s health advocates are calling for renewed attention to the growing evidence that many common and widely available chemicals endanger neurodevelopment in fetuses and children of all ages. The chemicals that are of most concern include lead and mercury; organophosphatepesticides used in agriculture and home … Read more

Magnesium – essential yet often deficient

Up to 60% of Australians, Americans and Europeans are deficient in magnesium, a mineral that is essential for so many different metabolic pathways and bodily functions that it should really be a public health priority. Magnesium deficiency is associated with: preterm labour high blood pressure muscle cramps anxiety constipation diabetes osteoporosis, and countless other common … Read more

Folate – synthetic -v- natural

Unmetabolised Folic Acid FOLATES, FOLIC ACID, AND UNMETHYLATED FOLIC ACID are not much of a muchness when it comes to human physiology. In the advent of Nutrigenomic assessments, Naturopaths have the qualifications to advise on nutrition and nutritional supplements focussing on the impact of different forms of key nutrients. Found in leafy green vegetables, natural folates are … Read more

Omega 3 – Dosage matters

Omega-3 consumption in diet and as supplements has long shown promise as a potential therapy to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Just how much of these essential fats must be consumed for their protective benefits has remained a point of debate. A recent study reveals that omega-3 dosage matters when it comes … Read more