phone:  0468 774 633

Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

Sleep and your microbiome

Sleep remains an underestimated component of health, and the gut microbiome may be a significant influence. Connections exist between the GI microbiome and sleep physiology. The Gut Brain Axis, variations in the light/dark cycle, inflammation, as well as microbiome abundance and diversity may elucidate factors linking the gut microbiome and sleep physiology. Addressing the Gut … Read more

Why Detox?

The number and concentration of toxins we are exposed to every day has significantly increased over the last 2-4 generations.  However, our body’s detoxification processes haven’t evolved to the same extent, struggling to keep up with this increased demand on our system. This puts a massive burden on our liver, which needs to process these … Read more

Sleep & Environmental Toxins

Sleep is the most vulnerable thing we can do as human beings. Besides sex, our beds are meant for sleeping and our bedrooms a safe sanctuary for contentment, and connection. As a healing tool, sleep is considered just as important as nutritional medicine to improve quality of life – yet one third of us grapple … Read more

Children not sleeping?

Sleep issues are common in childhood with many children experiencing difficulties in falling asleep, regular night-time awakenings, and/or waking up early without being able to fall back asleep. Common causes of sleep disturbances and anxiety in children include: ● Poor sleep hygiene (irregular routine, bedroom is too hot/cold/noisy/bright) ● Food allergies or intolerances ● Gastroesophageal … Read more

Sleep & Circadian Rhythms

The circadian rhythm is a 24-hour pattern which operates in response to light/dark cycles and the Earth’s rotation. This rhythm regulates sleep patterns, but recent research has revealed it is more than just a sleep/wake cycle – this daily rhythm affects all tissues, organs and systems of the body. Circadian rhythm disruption Modern life is … Read more

The hungry brain

Skeletal muscle and the brain are the most energy-demanding tissues in the human body and, consequently, require substantial supply of micronutrients involved in energy production. There is a strong biological and physiological rationale for the use of vitamins and minerals for the support of cellular energy production, especially within the brain. Skeletal muscle and the … Read more

The importance of a healthy body clock

The following article was written and submitted by Anne Graham These days, we seem to think that we can manipulate our bodies into doing whatever we want. Stay awake all night? Fine, we’ll bombard our brains with caffeine. Sleep when we’re not tired? No problem, there’s a pill for that. Lose weight? Easy peasy, you simply … Read more