phone:  0468 774 633

Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

Why Detox?

The number and concentration of toxins we are exposed to every day has significantly increased over the last 2-4 generations.  However, our body’s detoxification processes haven’t evolved to the same extent, struggling to keep up with this increased demand on our system. This puts a massive burden on our liver, which needs to process these … Read more

Good health starts in the mouth

Oral microbial health can influence the health of teeth and gums, as well as systemic health.  As we are beginning to understand, the body contains may distinct microbiomes. The oral cavity is no exception, harbouring up to 200 microbial species per person and several discrete microbial colonies on the different surfaces available for adherence (teeth, … Read more

Sugar – are you having too much?

Sugar related diseases are on the rise.    Everyday hundreds of companies push their addictive, attractively packed products with additives that are not beneficial to our health. One CEO of a major food company stated ‘people want flavour’ and with that thought in mind nutrition goes out the window. They use many tricks to get … Read more