The following research indicates that adequate magnesium may play a role in preventing gestational diabetes.
As is always the case with any supplement, taking the correct form is essential to achieving success.
There are many forms of magnesium, as indeed other minerals, with the Oxide being the most readily available over the counter (OTC). However, when it comes to ensuring that magnesium, and other minerals, reach their desired destination in our body, the form is important.
Consider the form of a mineral as it’s “shape” much as Tetris blocks have varying shapes. If the right shape is not available, it just won’t fit the space.
Therefore, it is important to always seek the advice and guidance of a qualified Naturopath to ensure that you not only receive quality supplements, but also that you receive the supplements you need.
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Gestational diabetes affects up to 10 percent of pregnant women.
Increased levels of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone are thought to lead to increased inflammation and biomarkers of oxidative stress which, in turn, results in glucose tolerance and impaired insulin metabolism.
The humble mineral, Magnesium, is involved in more than 600 reactions in the body and one study has uncovered a role for it in women with gestational diabetes.
The randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel trial enrolled women who were diagnosed with gestational diabetes at weeks 24-28 weeks gestation. They were randomly assigned to receive either 240mg of Magnesium daily or placebo for six weeks.
Firstly, serum Magnesium concentrations were greater in those supplemented with the mineral than the placebo group. Also, supplements women had a significant reduction in fasting plasma glucose, serum insulin concentrations, HOMA-IR and HOMA-B (insulin resistance indices) and an increase in QUICKI (an indicator of insulin sensitivity).1
It’s believed acetyl-coA carboxylase that catalyses malonyl-CoA which is involved in insulin secretion, is stimulated by Magnesium. Also, Magnesium may competitively inhibit the voltage-dependent calcium channel, known to play a role in insulin secretion.1
The study also showed reduced levels of high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) in supplemented women.1 Its anti-inflammatory effects may be the result of its antagonism to Calcium and its inhibition of nuclear factor-kB.
The serum triglycerides and VLDL cholesterol of supplemented women were also reduced as a result of Magnesium’s role as cofactor for lipoprotein lipase.1
- Asemi Z, Karamali M, Jamilian M, et al. Magnesium supplementation affects metabolic status and pregnancy outcomes in gestational diabetes : a randomized , double-blind ,. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015;(March):222-229. doi:10.3945/ajcn.114.098616.222.