At a recent fund raising function for the Brisbane Mater Hospital Little Miracles Easter Appeal, I was moved to tears by the stories of families whose children are alive due to the wonderful work of the doctors and staff. Listening to the struggles for life and the impact this has on the entire family was indeed heart-wrenching. In particular, the story of a little boy who was born with a heart defect which was only diagnosed by ‘chance’ and required numerous open heart surgeries, touched those present. He is now a happy three year old and enjoys playing with his older brother.
Being a natural health practitioner, I always look for ways to avoid such emotional turmoil. While in some instances, situations like the above are just ‘mistakes of nature’, many may be avoidable.
Adequate maternal nutrient levels during the first eight weeks of embryonic development are so important. During this time, the fertilised egg divides very rapidly, making the foundations of tissues and organs which will become a baby. If a particular nutrient is missing or not available in adequate levels during this phase, that particular tissue or part of an organ just doesn’t develop. An example of this may be a whole in the heart or spina bifida which involves the absence of essential nutrients for a prolonged time. This is a very simplified explanation, but one which will hopefully motivate all mothers-to-be to ensure they are healthy and have good nutrient levels before conceiving.