During a recent visit to a large shopping centre, I could not help but notice the number of people who were carrying excess weight. The health implications of being overweight or obese are surely well-known and do not require reiteration here. What is frightening though, is the number of young people who are overweight.
Please do not misunderstand me. I am advocating healthy weight in accordance to your size. One could perhaps say that if it wobbles, it’s too much.
After decades of ‘heart health’, ‘low fat’, ‘no sugar’ marketing, why is it that we as a society are fatter than ever? There have been food fads throughout the years pushing for high/low consumption of the different food groups. Perhaps we need to stop and take a good look at the modern day diet and lifestyle and educate our children in healthy food choices.
Human beings are omnivores – that means we should eat a mix of animal protein, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and some grains. In other words, a balanced diet. But are the foods we buy ‘real’ food? Not really.
Allow me to explain: pretty much all of the food we purchase is in a packet, bag, bottle or can or “fast” take-away. The raw produce is grown on farms which use chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and, even worse, may be Genetically Modified (GM). The soil has been depleted in nutrients leaving the plants lacking in essential minerals. Other foods come from overseas or are harvested well before they have time to ripen naturally. These foods are then processed with much of the remaining nutritional content removed only to be replaced by artificial colours, flavours and preservatives. What comes out at the end is ’empty’ food.
A look around any coffee shop or food court will reveal an over-abundance of breads and other baked products. All made from highly processed wheat. I could list lots of other ‘fast’ foods that are detrimental to our health, however, I would like to focus on wheat.
Anyone experiencing digestive discomfort, recurrent sinus infections, recurrent or chronic chest infections, asthma, allergies or skin issues, should eliminate wheat (and milk) from their diet. Most people react with shock and ask aghast, “What am I supposed to eat?!” This only confirms how wheat/dairy heavy our diets are.
Avoiding wheat has become much easier over recent years as more people become gluten intolerant. However, rather than replacing one grain with another, perhaps consider broadening your diet to incorporate more fresh produce – fresh, locally grown vegetables and fruits.
I strongly recommend eliminating wheat and most dairy from your daily diet. Give it a go. Those who have experience:
- improved sleep
- more energy
- less to no more pain
- no more headaches/migraines
- weight regulation
- absence of digestive discomfort
- clear skin
Most people hesitate and don’t really believe that such significant changes and improvements could happen in such a short time just from eliminating wheat/milk from their diet. That is until they do it. Then I get calls like “I feel like a new person!” or “This has completely changed my life!” or “I had forgotten how great I could feel” or “I can keep up with my kids now” or “I feel so much calmer” or “I’ve lost so much weight”
Try it – for six weeks. If you like, adopt the Blood Type Foods or Stoneage Diet. Remember to drink at least 2 litres of purified water daily.
If weight loss is your aim, make sure you read this article about the effects of gluten.