phone:  0468 774 633

Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

The importance of water

Good health requires a well hydrated body.  Only a body that has sufficient water is able to function properly.  Read about how important water is to your health – improve energy levels, improve digestion, improve concentration and memory, relieve pain.  If you’d like to read more, I highly recommend the book, The Body’s Many Cries  for Water written by Dr F. Batmanghelidj, MD or visit his website

Drinking the RIGHT kind of water is paramount to achieving good hydration.  

Environment toxins  

Often when discussing the need to detoxify the body or when Hair Tissue Mineral Analyses show elevated levels of toxic substances, I get asked “Where do all these toxins come from?”

The answer is often from our environment.  We may not be able to control all toxic exposure, but we can be proactive in reducing exposure to some chemicals as well as assisting the body in clearing toxins.  A major source of toxins we ingest is from the water we drink.

Drinking Water

Unsuspecting as we are, we just expect our drinking water to be ‘clean’ and unpolluted.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Please take time to read Dr Mercola’s report on the quality of drinking water.  It is very important to invest in a quality water filter – one that removes all toxic substances (fluoride, chlorine, heavy metals, parasites and microbes) whilst retaining valuable minerals and neutral pH. 

Some chemicals are necessary to remove dangerous pollutants from our drinking water.  However, we should not consume these chemicals so a water filter is our best option. 

Recycling water does not produce clean drinking water no matter what the authorities try and tell you.  The amount of chemicals needed to treat sewage in order to produce ‘clean’ water is phenomenal.  In addition, hormones and medications  just cannot be removed from sewage, leading to a build-up in our water supplies.  Bear in mind also, that if water is recycled and added to the main supply reservoirs, the surrounding environment and animal populations will also be affected.  While much of the water research published relates to the USA, it has just as much application in Australia. 

So what about bottled water?  Consider that most bottles are made of soft plastics and you already have a source of oestrogen contamination.  Commercial bottling plants have to adhere to strict hygiene guidelines so are required to sterilise the equipment with chlorine.  Residues of chlorine and other chemicals may be found in bottled water.   I still recommend investing in a quality filtering system which removes the nasties and produces quality water containing minerals and is pH balanced.  

A great breakdown of different types of water processing may also help you understand the difference and purchase a system most suitable to your needs.  The differences in water filters are outlined in this report.