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The term “biohacking” has become a buzz-word in the realm of wellness. Personally, I greatly dislike this term as “hacking” to me has a negative connotation.  From tech enthusiasts to everyday individuals seeking vitality and longevity, biohacking represents a desire to take control of one’s health using science, technology, and lifestyle strategies. My concern lies … Read more

Nerve Pain?

Peripheral neuropathy is a term given to nerve pain usually at the extremities – that is wrists, hands or feet. It is often associated with diabetes or chemotherapy. Dr Mercola explains this condition and provides a few options for supporting, relieving, and (dare I say) alleviating this type of nerve pain: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) … Read more

Is alcohol affecting your mood?

Could alcohol be contributing to your depression or anxiety? For most people, having a few drinks every now and then doesn’t do them any harm. Alcohol is a socially acceptable way to relax and enjoy time with family and friends.  However, there’s no denying that when misused, alcohol can have serious health effects. For some, … Read more

DNA testing – getting valuable data

I recently received DNA results from a patient and got so excited at finding answers which explained why he was experiencing certain health issues, some of which remained resistant to treatments. Interestingly, he was disappointed at the lack of a ‘magic pill’ despite confirmation that many lifestyle preferences contributed to his ill-health. With a few … Read more

Do biopsies spread cells?

The following article and research is courtesy of Panaxea. For men aged 50-69 years who underwent a one-time prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening for prostate cancer, a lower prostate cancer-specific mortality was observed after 15 years of follow-up, but the reduction was only slight. Could this be due to the dissemination of cancer cells through prostate … Read more

Gut health & fertility: often overlooked – a Case Study

Hippocrates stated that all disease begins in the gut. This example demonstrates how an undiagnosed gastrointestinal condition can impact on fertility and how the holistic naturopathic approach uncovered the underlying cause of repeated early pregnancy loss. A 29 year old female presented with fertility concerns. She and her partner had been attempting to conceive for … Read more

Skin ageing – can it be reversed?

Senescence and ageing skin Research has identified the skin as a common site for the accumulation of senescent cells, a hallmark of ageing. Senescent cells are those that have ceased replication but continue living. Within the skin, they contribute to ageing further by damaging neighbouring cells, degrading the extracellular matrix and increasing tissue fibrosis.  Conversely, … Read more

Beautiful skin starts on the inside

Our skin is a reflection of our internal health. The quest for radiant healthy skin is often focussed on external treatments such as creams, lasers, and various other topical therapies. Whist these therapies may assist in temporarily improving the appearance of the skin, they often work on the superficial levels of the dermis and epidermis … Read more

Transgenerational effects

Today’s blog is a reminder that everything that you do, eat, consume and are exposed to will influence your fertility, pregnancy outcomes and the health of your children as well as your grandchildren. This applies to both parents. Reproductive health can be significantly impacted by environmental factors. • These factors include physical (e.g., pollution), biological … Read more

Environmental chemicals alter hormones

A category of environmental toxins are the Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals or EDCs. As the name implies, this group of chemicals change the way our hormones work. The hormones affected include all reproductive hormones — oestrogens, progesterone, testosterone — as well as other chemicals produced in our body. This also includes thyroid hormones. The first trimester … Read more