Here is a letter which you can send to the following Members:
Minister for health :
Parl Sec for Health & Aging Hon Shayne Neumann:
Sample letter for you to send:
I am writing in relation to the Natural Medicine review by the Department of Health and Aging, the TGA, and the NHMRC.
It has come to my attention that this Government is planning to reduce the Health care options available to me in regard to Natural Medicines and vitamins. This is happening by what amounts to a rushed review that lacks proper community and Industry consultation.
There are many reforms currently being rushed through consultation at the moment to curtail the use and limit the availability of Natural Medicines to the Australian community.
Natural Medicines are used by more than half of the Australian population on a daily basis.
I would like a response from you that these “rushed” consultations WILL BE STOPPED and they will take into account a wider consultation of the public and include ALL stakeholders of the Natural Medicine Industry.
I demand that you allow me the choice of the Natural Medicine Practitioner of my choice. That you allow them to do their job by giving them access to information about Natural Medicines, that you vote to allow a person to start their health care journey with the use of therapies designed to empower health care responsibility with minimal side effects.
I believe it is a human right to allow a person to choose Health Care in the first instance that comes without any known harm and minimal side effects. That the level of intervention should only increase as the need arises.
I believe that freedom of choice should also include access to natural medicines and professional care that could provide preventative measures that optimize healthy outcomes.
I ask you to confirm you will allow me to choose self –responsibility in the first instance of my Health care journey.
Yours sincerely