phone:  0468 774 633

Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

If only I had known …

This is something I hear on a regular basis in my clinic when people learn more about their health and where things began to go pear shaped.

In my book I try to awaken this awareness by explaining how everything that is affecting the parents will affect fertility outcomes and the health of the baby. In addition, everything the mother is exposed to throughout pregnancy helps to program the baby’s health throughout its life.

While it is becoming more widely recognised that women should abstain from consuming alcohol during pregnancy, there are many other factors that come into play. Nutrition is one of the top factors as it is nutrients that are the building blocks of the new body forming inside the uterus.

In addition to the structural development of tissue and the various organs that make up a human body, there is a very strong emotional component. Everything the baby is experiencing while in the uterus is laying down emotional programs that will determine its response to stress and other challenges later in life.

Then there are the environmental toxins that affect developing hormones, block nutrients, and affect how cells divide and replicate.

It’s never too late

If you haven’t got my book and already have a baby or toddler who is experiencing any issues – whether this is reflux, colic, being unsettled or  other diagnosed health condition – it is never too early (or late) to take preventative action.

Here I’d like to share the story of someone who came to see me. She had been experiencing health issues since birth. While the doctors said her colic would pass, she went on to develop chronic constipation and digestive issues. Once she entered puberty her teenage years were marred by severe acne – treated with massive antibiotics and harsh medications. The gut issues got worse. As an adult, she went on to experience significant menstrual problems including heavy bleeding, developing large uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, as well as thyroid complications, and weight issues.

While you may not see the link throughout her journey, it is obvious to me and there are many instances when a little positive support could have prevented much of what she has experienced.

When it comes to chronic conditions that may continue or morph into something else, a functional medicine practitioner is usually the best person to support you (or your children).

Without exception, everything in our body is linked – think gut-brain connection. There are many more links like this as well as axial connections between glands and their hormones. If one area of the body is struggling, then others will also be affected.

While my book focuses on pre-conception preparation, improving fertility outcomes and ensuring a viable pregnancy, much of the information can be applied to daily life.