phone:  0468 774 633

Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm


While enjoying a slow start to Sunday morning, I read an article in Stellar magazine.  Sarah Davidson, TV presenter and Seize The Yay podcast host speaks publicly for the first time about experiencing a miscarriage.  Sarah acknowledged that it is important to talk about the heartbreaking loss of miscarriage more openly as it affects far too many women and their partners.

My daughter also experienced miscarriage of her first baby and I shared first-hand in the devastation and trauma associated with such an event.  As with any loss, the pain never completely leaves you.

The experience of miscarriage, or rather avoiding such trauma, is one of the reasons I decided to write a book.  Once a person, single or couple, decides they want to have a baby it can become an all-consuming need.  In order for that dream to become a reality, I compiled clinical and scientific research into an easy-to-understand format to help people become parents.  But it is more than just getting pregnant.  The book also helps those who are struggling with fertility issues and provides insight into how to improve their chances of falling pregnant.  A lot of the preparation also covers areas that are implicated in miscarriage.

My ultimate goal was to help people conceive, have an enjoyable pregnancy culminating in the birth of a healthy baby.