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‘Havana Syndrome’ – a link between wireless radiation and symptoms

In 2016 US embassy staff in Havana, Cuba, began reporting unusual symptoms — pain, ringing in the ears, dizziness headaches and cognitive problems. Medical investigations failed to find a cause and many of the staff were withdrawn from the embassy.

The baffling condition became known as the ‘Havana Syndrome’ and cases were subsequently reported by US embassy staff in Paris, Geneva, Berlin and Bogotá (Colombia). Ultimately around 200 people connected with US administrators reported similar symptoms in 12 countries.

To address the problem, the US Intelligence Community—the Director of National Intelligence and Deputy Director of the CIA—established an expert panel to investigate potential causes of what they called ‘Anomalous Health Incidents’ (AHIs). The panel reviewed classified documents on scientific, medical and intelligence topics and heard from affected individuals.

On 1 February this year, the panel’s report was released. 1, 2

It says, ‘Pulsed electromagnetic energy, particularly in the radiofrequency range, plausibly explains the core characteristics of reported AHIs, although information gaps exist. There are several plausible pathways involving various forms of pulsed electromagnetic energy, each with its own requirements, limitations, and unknowns. For all the pathways, sources exist that could generate the required stimulus, are concealable, and have moderate power requirements. Using nonstandard antennas and techniques, the signals could be propagated with low loss through air for tens to hundreds of meters, and with some loss, through most building materials. Stimulation and disruption of these biological systems has been credibly demonstrated in cells and tissues, and persons accidentally exposed to radiofrequency signals described sensations similar to the core characteristics. However, there is a dearth of systematic research on the effects of the relevant electromagnetic signals on humans.’

The report also found that ultrasound could plausibly explain some symptoms but could only be used in close-access situations. Some other environmental exposures were ruled out.

The symptoms are similar to those experienced by US embassy staff in Moscow in the 1990s, as a result of which it was found that Soviets had beamed microwave radiation*at the US embassy for several decades.3

  *  it is interesting to note that mobile phones use audio over the 4G cell network which operates at 2.4 billion hertz. This is the same frequency as Wi-Fi and your microwave oven.

More information on EMF and associated health concerns can be found at

How EMFs affect the brain   

EMF and Wi-Fi damaging to human health


Article courtesy of EMR Australia Pty Ltd



3. Goldsmith, John. (1995). Epidemiologic Evidence of Radiofrequency Radiation (Microwave) Effects on Health in Military, Broadcasting, and Occupational Studies . International journal of occupational and environmental health. 1. 47-57. 10.1179/oeh.1995.1.1.47. and

An interesting article about 5G 

What is interesting to note is that 4G and 5G towers also create a Geoelectric charge throughout the ground, which creates a harmful radiation charge up to 1.5 meters above the ground, however, only within approximately 80 meters from the tower itself. Initially, the 5G coverage from 4G towers was for mobile phone use only, however, as time goes by, the network of 5G towers has increased allowing the use in some areas of 5G Broadband. 

This means that if you are outside a building standing within 80 meters of the tower, then you are subjecting your body’s meridians and organs to EMF stress. Or, even worse, if you are inside a building within 80 metres of a 4G or 5G tower, you are going to be subjected to even more EMF stress. This is because a building is a resonant cavity and therefore “amplifies” all forms of radiation within a building. Beyond 80 meters from the tower, that 5G millimetre wave is actually harmless.

Orgone Effects explains energy and possible associated harmful effects on living beings.