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Cancer Incidence in Youngsters on a Sharp Incline

We are being told that medicine is progressing in the treatment of cancer and that cancer is slowly but surely losing its sting. This is only true for some specific cancers, however, and much of what we are told is just pharmaceutical PR. The truth is that the survival rate for many cancers is not moving at all, chemo is still useless for most cancers, as has recently been publish once again in world renowned journals, backed up by latest data, and much of the survival benefit is only due to cancer being diagnosed earlier.

But the probably more important question regarding cancer is how many people will come down with it in the first place. And here again we are told that cancer incidence rises because of demographic aging. This is true, but the truth is that cancer is on the rise even when the age factor is adjusted for. This new study shows that in the last 40 years, cancer in youngsters up to the age of 24 has increased by about 25%, or about 0.65% every year! Some cancers like non-Hodgkins lymphoma and testicular cancer have almost doubled.

And now the million dollar question is WHY, and that is the question that no one in orthodox medicine can answer. Many carcinogenic chemicals have been regulated, awareness of the dangers of toxicity and sun exposure have increased, and smoking and alcohol consumption are on the decline. These are all big contributors to cancer, and so one would assume that age adjusted cancer incidence would drop, and yet it has increased by 25%!

But looking at what Dr. Hulda Clark has pinpointed as the cause of cancer, you wouldn’t be so surprised. She says that the ever-more pervasive solvents in micro traces in our foods, beverages and body products are to blame, acting as door openers for parasites. Even at the time she published her first book in 1993, she pointed out that this chemical pollution was getting worse, not better, and that a cancer epidemic would be upon us. And it doesn’t give me the least joy to say that she was right.

Source:  David Amrein, Dr Clark Research Association; March 2017