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Environmental Toxins and your Health

Everyday exposure to toxins are silently wreaking havoc on our well-being, causing a surge in chronic diseases and health complications, including declining fertility rates. In this video, Dr Mark Hyman speaks with Dr. Joseph Pizzorno about the hidden dangers of environmental toxins. Learn about practical detoxification pathways, foods that support detox, and effective methods like … Read more

What does health mean to you?

Health encompasses more than just the absence of illness –  it means physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well-being.  Physical health refers to the state of the body and its ability to function optimally. This includes factors such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, and avoiding harmful toxins and substances. Physical health involves maintaining a balanced lifestyle, like … Read more

Zinc, Immunity & more

Zinc is a critical micronutrient and a fundamental component for the function of several proteins. It is required for numerous biological processes, including reproduction, growth and development, neurological function, and perhaps most notably, immune function. Zinc deficiency is correlated with immune dysfunction and systemic inflammation, yet approximately 85% of Australian women and 50% of men … Read more

Cataracts – prevention and treatment

The following article excerpt shares information provided by Dr. Eric Berg, a chiropractor and health educator, and Dr Mercola  Cataracts1 is an eye condition that causes your vision to blur due to a buildup of proteins on the lens of your eye. Left untreated, cataracts can result in progressive loss of vision and, ultimately, blindness. Risk … Read more

Plastic is in your body and brain

The following article was published by Dr Mercola and is a must-read for anyone who uses and disposes of plastic. Plastic Is Everywhere Now, Including Your Brain Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola   Fact Checked  May 11, 2023 STORY AT-A-GLANCE We live in a throwaway society, and products intended for short-term consumption are packaged in materials … Read more

Why Detox?

The number and concentration of toxins we are exposed to every day has significantly increased over the last 2-4 generations.  However, our body’s detoxification processes haven’t evolved to the same extent, struggling to keep up with this increased demand on our system. This puts a massive burden on our liver, which needs to process these … Read more

Born Toxic

We’ve all wondered if the plastic in our environment reaches our unborn babies in the womb and now, for the first time, scientists have actually found small plastic fragments in the human placenta.1 Plastic, in its many forms, is very useful and not likely to disappear off the shelves anytime soon. So limiting exposure, especially … Read more

What will your baby inherit?

Blue eyes?  Blonde hair?  OR lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium …..? Heavy metal testing should be the foundation of every preconception and infertility program.  Testing available through True Medicine. You may think that you lead a ‘healthy’ lifestyle, but unfortunately we are exposed to innumerable environmental toxins every day – and these toxins build up on our … Read more

Plastic: a toxic cocktail

Article by:  Melissa Petersen AdvDipHSc(Nat), GradCertEvBdPrac  We live in a world full of plastics and toxins. Originally marketed as the ‘the material of a thousand uses’ and seen as an inexpensive, safe and sanitary substance, plastic is now a global concern to the environment and our health. Its strong, flexible and transparent (or coloured) properties … Read more

Support your natural defences

We live in a microbial world, which means that we constantly encounter microorganisms that could harm our health. The immune system forms the body’s entire department of defence. Its primary goal is to protect us from invading microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. Providing your immune system with all the necessary support can help … Read more