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Balancing hormones with good nutrition

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) PMS affects up to 80-90% of females of reproductive age and is characterised by luteal phase physical, mood and behavioural symptoms. PMS has a large impact on quality of life and daily activities. It is believed magnesium modulates hormonal levels, especially progesterone, to relieve symptoms of depression, irritability, tiredness, and anxiety.1 Dysmenorrhoea … Read more

How plants can lower excess oestrogen

Phytoestrogens are a special group of nutrients that occur naturally in most plant foods. The two major classes are isoflavones in soy, and lignans in seeds, whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. However, the one condition that should be noted is that any soy product must be certified organic non-GMO and fermented. Read more about the soy … Read more