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Ultra Processed foods link to disease

Ultraprocessed foods have infiltrated the globe, bringing with them rapid increases in obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and 13 of 15 major cancers Ultraprocessed foods contain a number of harmful ingredients and contaminants, including seeds oils rich in linoleic acid (LA), additives, artificial sweeteners, emulsifiers, colorants, bisphenols and phthalates Frozen foods have … Read more

Struggling to lose weight?

5 Signs that Acidosis is Sabotaging Weight Loss Acid-base homeostasis is crucial for healthy endocrine system function. The endocrine glands produce wide-ranging hormones which regulate the body’s metabolism and are highly sensitive to imbalances such as chronic metabolic acidosis (CMA). CMA is characterised by a minor but insidious decrease in blood pH. Balancing the pH … Read more