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Anti-Inflammatory Eating

  The following information is courtesy of Dr Deanna Minich It is not merely a coincidence that the acronym for Advanced Glycation End-products spells out AGE. Research shows these molecules can cause oxidative stress and inflammation, two mechanisms implicated in the aging process. Inflammation and oxidative stress have also been associated with many chronic diseases plaguing society today, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.  AGEs, as you’ll see below, are implicated in these … Read more

Zinc, Immunity & more

Zinc is a critical micronutrient and a fundamental component for the function of several proteins. It is required for numerous biological processes, including reproduction, growth and development, neurological function, and perhaps most notably, immune function. Zinc deficiency is correlated with immune dysfunction and systemic inflammation, yet approximately 85% of Australian women and 50% of men … Read more

Ginger & its many health benefits

Ginger's health benefits

Ginger has many health-promoting benefits.  It is also easy to grow yourself – get a fresh ginger rhizome from your organic farmer’s market and break of the small knobs.  Plant these into a very large pot, or well draining garden bed, about 10cm below the surface.  Ginger likes full sun and warm-hot weather.  Water well … Read more

Omega 3 – The Ultimate Brain Food?

Three recent studies offer an exciting opportunity to delve deeper into the understanding of how omega-3 fatty acids benefit the brain. With one study focusing on the potential protective effects of omega-3 against air pollution, another shedding light on the importance of omega-3 for Alzheimer’s disease, and a meta-analysis revealing positive outcomes in perinatal depression … Read more

How to Elevate Your Head-to-Toe Health with 5 Daily Habits

Guest post by Sheila Olsen of Photo via Pexels How to Elevate Your Head-to-Toe Health with 5 Daily Habits If you’re looking for simple ways to enhance your whole-body health, look no further! We’re here to share a variety of daily habits that will take your health to the next level. These habits are … Read more

Is your girth expanding?

The following is an excerpt of a blog which you can listen to here: There can be a strong hormonal component to abdominal weight gain. And in most people, that hormone is insulin. And let’s start with “what is insulin resistance?”. In simplest terms, insulin resistance is dysfunction of the metabolic nuts and bolts … Read more

Information courtesy of Deborah Freudenmann BHSc What are the symptoms of mould exposure? Mould enters our bodies through the respiratory tract as we breathe in the spores. While some people don’t notice any health changes when exposed to mould, others notice major impacts to their lung health, breathing capacity, and general wellness. Many also develop … Read more

Hormones and our daily rhythms

Circadian rhythm or internal clock?   Usually we hear about the circadian rhythm in relationship to melatonin; however, holistically speaking, our endocrine circuit runs on a clock, with some pulsatile, situational variation of course. Not everything is perfectly aligned to these times. Consider this graphic a framework (based on the reference below). The daylight-driven hormones like … Read more

Depression – shattering the current theory

Science and research are ongoing, often revealing new evidence that sometimes challenges long-standing and long-held theories.  What precedes many of these scientific findings is decades of clinical evidence – so once science catches up, it’s really exciting. SHATTERING THE SEROTONIN THEORY OF DEPRESSION “Although it is often stated with great confidence that depressed people have … Read more

What will your baby inherit?

Blue eyes?  Blonde hair?  OR lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium …..? Heavy metal testing should be the foundation of every preconception and infertility program.  Testing available through True Medicine. You may think that you lead a ‘healthy’ lifestyle, but unfortunately we are exposed to innumerable environmental toxins every day – and these toxins build up on our … Read more