What is “Anti-aging”?
Anti-aging is physiologically, psychologically and emotionally growing younger while reducing the biological signs of aging. It is staying functional at a high level until death occurs without senescence or a significant decline in wellness. Dr Jeff Bland
What is Aging?
We as a society tend to accept deteriorating health as ‘getting older’ yet other cultures remain fit, active and healthy until extremely high ages. We blame aching bones, sore joints, low energy levels, high blood pressure, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and more on age. Yet what if these could be prevented, or better still, reversed?
Signs of accelerated aging:
- cardiovascular disease
- glucose dysregulation
- declining brain function
- muscle atrophy
- hormonal dysfunction
- compromised immunity
- oxidative stress
What accelerates aging?
At the top of the list is POOR LIFESTYLE which has been shown to contribute to:
- insulin resistance progressing to diabetes
- elevated homocysteine levels – insist on having this checked next time you have a blood test. See the list below of conditions associated with high homocysteine levels – see table below.
- free radical damage
- elevated cortisol – STRESS
- declining sex hormones
- inflammation
So what can you do to change your rate of aging? Look at your lifestyle and be honest. Some simple changes can make huge differences to your health –
- Maintain healthy blood sugar levels by eliminating processed sugar from your diet. It is not just the ‘white’ stuff, but also processed grains that turn to sugar in your body. Grains include wheat = breads, cereals, biscuits, and many other processed foods that come in boxes, packets or jars. By-products from eating high sugar diets cause atherosclerosis, kidney problems, eye problems and neurological diseases. High blood sugar levels invade the brain which has been shown to contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.
- Manage your stress. It is not a particular event that causes stress, but rather your response to it. Stress raises cortisol levels which increase retention of sugar in the blood, cause inflammation, reduce thyroid function, imbalance other hormones and cause weight gain. High cortisol levels have also been shown to shrink part of the brain responsible for short term memory, increase appetite and contribute to depression.
- Exercise is essential to good health. The most beneficial time to exercise is in the morning between 5 and 6am. This is when our natural cortisol levels are at their highest. Morning exercise stimulates your metabolism and supports energy levels for up to eight hours. Exercise should be fun so choose something you enjoy – join a group, exercise outdoors, work up a sweat and increase your heart rate. Combine aerobic with resistance workouts.
- Make wise food choices – avoid anything processed! Eat whole foods that have been grown naturally. These foods are naturally rich in essential nutrients and provide the building blocks your body needs to function properly. Quality protein helps maintain energy levels throughout the day. Avoid stimulants as these only result in sudden drops in energy levels.
Preventing disease and deteriorating health is far more beneficial than trying to repair damage. It’s YOUR choice!