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Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

The ill is sometimes the pill

The following is an excerpt from a Dr Joseph Mercola article and explains the dangers of blood pressure medications. Read the full article High blood pressure (hypertension) is increasingly common, with more people diagnosed each decade This is because the threshold for “high” blood pressure keeps getting lowered — despite no evidence existing that those … Read more

Gut Health explained

Dr Mark Hyman explains the importance of a healthy gut, a diverse microbiome and reducing inflammation for optimal health.   Important note:  for my Australian readers, please consult your qualified naturopath for high grade Australian TGA-approved products and DO NOT order products on line as you have no control over quality.   Mark was not … Read more

PCOS and Insulin Sensitivity

Magnesium (Mg) is an essential mineral which influences many areas of your health and how your body functions.  Recent research highlights its role in Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and insulin regulation. Due to the definitive known effect of magnesium on insulin resistance and the fact that insulin resistance is a main aetiology in polycystic … Read more

Ginger & its many health benefits

Ginger's health benefits

Ginger has many health-promoting benefits.  It is also easy to grow yourself – get a fresh ginger rhizome from your organic farmer’s market and break of the small knobs.  Plant these into a very large pot, or well draining garden bed, about 10cm below the surface.  Ginger likes full sun and warm-hot weather.  Water well … Read more

Heart conditions – What doctors are missing

“Studies reveal healthy mitochondria are central for optimal cardiovascular health, and scientists are now focusing on the link between mitochondrial dysfunction, ubiquinol depletion and cardiovascular health problems, including cholesterol and endothelial function” explains Dr Ross Walker, Preventative Cardiologist, Australia Article source:  Before you take any supplements, I strongly recommend being assessed by a qualified … Read more

Mediterranean Diet – why is it so good for us?

We have known for decades that the Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of heart attack and other conditions – now we are starting to understand how certain components of the diet work their magic. When it comes to healthier diets, one of them has always had a have-your-cake-and-eat-it feel. For decades, we have been told … Read more

Garlic’s surprising health benefits

Garlic is a vegetable in the allium family and is therefore related to onions, leeks, scallions, and chives. It’s revered for its pungent and spicy taste, and it has been used since ancient times for medicinal purposes in Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, and China, as seen in medical texts. In ancient Greece, garlic was considered a “windy” food that could remove … Read more

Supplements – the Pros and Cons

The following article was written by Grace Rivas, BHSc Nat. Practitioner, Nutritional & Herbal Medicine, Functional Medicine & Holistic Health –  The Pros & Cons of taking supplements… With the desire to attain good health, the ready availability of nutraceuticals and many online influencers promoting supplements, this self-prescribing trend has become dangerously popular, consequently with an increase in … Read more

An Apple a Day

Optimum nutrition is the foundation for optimum health according to Bradley McEwen, PhD, MHSc(Hum Nutr), BHSc, Naturopath and Senior Lecturer  at Southern Cross University. Fruit and vegetables are extremely important for a healthy lifestyle as sources of nutrients for optimal health. Fruit and vegetables are important in the reduction of disease risk.  These disease risks … Read more

Omega 3 – The Ultimate Brain Food?

Three recent studies offer an exciting opportunity to delve deeper into the understanding of how omega-3 fatty acids benefit the brain. With one study focusing on the potential protective effects of omega-3 against air pollution, another shedding light on the importance of omega-3 for Alzheimer’s disease, and a meta-analysis revealing positive outcomes in perinatal depression … Read more