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Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

Hair analysis – what it can, and can’t, reveal

Hair elemental analysis, (when performed properly), can serve as a highly accurate and qualitative screening test for exposure to toxic metals. But due to some of its limitations, namely that it is not considered capable of detecting acute toxicity (i.e. those stemming from a more immediately recent exposure) it is therefore not considered an acceptable … Read more

Why Detox?

The number and concentration of toxins we are exposed to every day has significantly increased over the last 2-4 generations.  However, our body’s detoxification processes haven’t evolved to the same extent, struggling to keep up with this increased demand on our system. This puts a massive burden on our liver, which needs to process these … Read more

Everyday Chemicals & PCOS

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) EDCs are found in commercial, industrial and agricultural industries, and can alter the body’s hormonal and  regulatory systems. The hormonal disruption caused by EDCs can interfere with the endocrine system and contribute to the  development of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). EDCs have been found to disrupt the reproductive and metabolic systems … Read more