phone:  0468 774 633

Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

Information courtesy of Deborah Freudenmann BHSc

What are the symptoms of mould exposure?

Mould enters our bodies through the respiratory tract as we breathe in the spores. While some people don’t notice any health changes when exposed to mould, others notice major impacts to their lung health, breathing capacity, and general wellness. Many also develop allergies, infections, and asthma.

The symptoms of mould exposure are typically mild and worsen gradually. Those with weakened immune systems or pre-existing respiratory or other health conditions are more likely to notice the effects of mould and develop severe symptoms.

Why is mould so unhealthy?

Since research began in 2004, we continue to learn more about how mould is a threat to our respiratory health. The Institute of Medicine has collected evidence linking mould exposure to a range of respiratory health issues including asthma, cough, wheezing, and pneumonitis. More research is currently underway to learn about other possible dangers of mould and how it contributes to chronic disease.

Mould harbours mycotoxins

Mycotoxins are toxic substances that are present in fungi like mould. Because our exposure to mould is often through the respiratory tract (as we breathe in spores) these toxins have access to our airways, lungs, and even the brain as the olfactory neurons connect the nose and eyes to the brain.

Mould disrupts and damages the immune system and causes inflammation

The immune system works best in balance. Unfortunately, mould has been shown to dysregulate the immune system and suppress its defences while also making us more susceptible to autoimmune disease. Studies show that mould can increase the activation of mast cells, which release histamine and trigger the immune response. Mould also triggers a vicious cycle of overactive immune responses and systemic inflammation. Inflammation is one of the most common causes of long-term disease.

Mould increases oxidative stress

Oxidative stress occurs when toxins damage the structure or function of our healthy cells. Over time, this damage can lead to chronic and life-threatening disease. To counteract the toxic effects of mould, the body uses its antioxidant resources to constantly repair cells and tissues. This leads to an antioxidant depletion and overall poor health while also blocking the body’s detoxification pathways.

Mould binds directly to DNA and RNA

Mycotoxins have been shown to directly bind to our DNA and RNA, impeding necessary functions like protein synthesis. Chronic exposure to mould can lead to long-term cellular damage.

Mould causes mitochondrial dysfunction

Mould exposure can damage our cells and lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, which results in low energy, fatigue (as in chronic fatigue syndrome), and an increased risk for chronic disease.

Mould can reactivate old viral and autoimmune diseases or cause mysterious disease

Because of its effects on the immune system, mould has been shown to reactivate viral diseases like Epstein-Barr Virus and Lyme disease. Environmental toxins like mould are often at the root of mysterious, unexplained medical issues. If you have been confused by your health conditions, it may be time to consider mould. 


MARCoNS:  Chronic Nasal Infections caused by mould

MARCoNS, (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci) is a type of infective condition that affects nearly 80% of patients with chronic inflammatory conditions and mold toxicity.

These health issues usually cause patients to develop resistance to antibiotics as the bacteria tend to get protected by biofilm. Biofilm is a layer of mucus that not just protects these bacteria, but also allows them to enter our body making them difficult to be eradicated by our immune system.

MARCoNS can trigger persistent inflammation, in spite of medical interventions. Therefore, a long-term functional medicine approach is needed to manage MARCoNS and avoid serious complications.

What is MARCoNS?

MARCoNS is an antibiotic-resistant strain of bacteria residing in the nasal passage of patients with biotoxin illness and mold exposure. MARCoNS is known to worsen the risk of severe health issues by triggering inflammation, and making the immune system weaker, primarily leading to symptoms of fibromyalgia, neuropathy, and chronic fatigue. MARCoNS stand for multiple antibiotic resistant coagulase negative staph, which means that it’s connected to antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic overuse is a serious issue worldwide.

Mould and MARCoNS

The nasal passages have a unique microbiome that contains various strains of beneficial bacteria. A decrease in the effectiveness of the immune system can create an imbalance in this microbiome allowing harmful bacteria to grow unchecked.

Long-term exposure to mould is likely to keep the immune system in a persistent state of overstimulation, eventually resulting in fatigue of the immune cells. This could make the immune system weaker allowing harmful staph bacteria to grow and MARCoNS to develop.

Symptoms of MARCoNS

  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Leaky gut
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Cough 
  • Brain fog 
  • Difficulty concentrating 
  • Unusual aches and pains
  • Mood swings and memory issues 
  • Sleep problems
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Sinus congestion 
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Night sweats 
  • Red eyes 
  • Tearing of the eyes 

Identifying MARCoNS

As MARCoNS is resistant to antibiotics and located deep inside the nasal passages, it can be detected only by testing a deep nasal swab. The nasal swab is tested in a lab for the presence of MARCoNS.

Prevent & Treat Mould Exposure: Tips and Tricks for Health

Mould and mycotoxins are a threat to our health and wellness. But what can we do about it? While mould is an invasive and sometimes tricky problem in our homes, there are many ways we can work to reduce our exposure and protect our health.

What can you do to remove the causes of mould toxicity but also prevent mould exposure? 

    • Let your house breathe. Just like you, your home needs a breath of fresh air once in a while. Properly ventilate humid areas like the bathroom, kitchen and laundry.
    • Control humidity levels. Excess humidity indoors makes it easy for mould to grow. Keep your humidity levels between 30-50% with an air conditioner or dehumidifier.
    • Fix leaks.  Anywhere there is water or dampness, there is the potential for mould. Promptly fix leaky roofs, windows, pipes, walls, plumbing, or other areas where water collects.
    • Assess your susceptible areas. Check your bathrooms, furniture, windows, and other potential areas for the presence of mould. Remove any carpeting in these areas and call for professional mould removal services if needed.

Remember, that mould cannot be removed by using bleach or vinegar-based products.  For reliable products made in Australia visit  

For personal health support if mould is causing problems, contact us or seek the advice of a qualified naturopath.