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Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

Low iron

Do you have low iron levels?  Iron levels won’t remain replete despite supplementation or even infusions? Lactoferrin may help. Article written by Laura Dwyer, BHSc (Naturopathy) published in ATMS Journal Vol 28 No 3 Anaemia – Iron Deficiency (ID) or Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA) – is a global public health concern, predominantly afflicting adolescent girls, … Read more

Information courtesy of Deborah Freudenmann BHSc What are the symptoms of mould exposure? Mould enters our bodies through the respiratory tract as we breathe in the spores. While some people don’t notice any health changes when exposed to mould, others notice major impacts to their lung health, breathing capacity, and general wellness. Many also develop … Read more

Immune defence network

The immune system is a complex defence network made up of three layers (Figure 1) – physical, chemical and mechanical.  The first level of defence represents the physical or mechanical barriers which includes the skin, mucous membranes and cilia (which trap and prevent pathogen entry as found in respiratory and digestive tracts). Chemical barriers include … Read more


Learn more about how our modern lifestyles affect both fertility and the health of our children in my book, Conversations with my Daughter:  How to Have a Healthy Baby. Order your paperback copy today from True Medicine or e-book from Balboa Press. Many couples eagerly look forward to the day when they can welcome a … Read more

Candida – causes and answers

Article courtesy of Deborah Freudenmann, BHSc(Nat) Candida Albicans is one of the common fungal yeasts occurring naturally in the body. It lives in harmony with a large variety of microorganisms and performs some critical functions. However, patients may develop symptoms when some lifestyle-linked environmental conditions disrupt the balance of the microbiota of the body. The … Read more

Probiotics and our Microbiome

What do probiotics actually do?  Are they necessary? Believe it or not but our bodies have an internal ecosystem that is non human. We are a host to trillions of bacteria! These bacteria are our life force and play an important role in our ability to function as a living being. Without bacteria we simply … Read more

Is your gut fit?

Is your gut health in top shape?  It had better be because if its not you are more prone to illness and disease. We first have to understand that our good bacteria is an integral part of a healthy gut and to be healthy we need to understand more about the role bacteria (probiotics) play. … Read more

Viral Infection and pH

Certain viruses (including the rhinoviruses and coronaviruses that are most often responsible for the common cold and influenza viruses that produce flu) infect host cells by fusion with cellular membranes at low pH. Thus they are classified as “pH-dependent viruses.” The following is an excerpt from an article written by Dr. Mark Sircus, Jan 24, … Read more

Herbs, Nutrition and Supplements for Immune Defence

Herbal medicines have shown the potential to assist in the treatment of several types of viral infection resistant to medical treatment53. Different viruses use a range of strategies to enter host cells.  The SARS-CoV-2 virus enters by attaching to angiotensin-converting-enzyme-2 (ACE-2) linkages on the surface of cells in the respiratory tract.  These cells are also … Read more

Naturopathy helps again

When it comes to Naturopaths, many people are unfamiliar with how natural medicine may be able to help with their symptoms.  Indeed, some even shy away from Naturopaths due to ignorance about the amount of qualifications held by these practitioners.  Next time you experience symptoms of discomfort, pain or disease, or just want to prevent … Read more