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Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

When fatigue is more than extreme tiredness

What is Mitochondrial Disease? Think of a cell. Then expand that cell and peer inside until you are looking at the microscopic organelles that make up its centre. Right there you will see tiny folds of membrane which are called cristae. The whole structure itself is called a mitochondrion and the folded cristae give it … Read more

Gluten damage to brain cells

Evidence on the damaging effect of gluten on the brain is mounting, and conditions like gluten ataxia are becoming more recognised. Gluten ataxia is not a new condition and research in this area has been around for more than a decade. So, what exactly is gluten ataxia? Ataxia is the name given to group of … Read more

Restoring balance and reversing Dementia

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is fast becoming one of the most common clinical conditions affecting the elderly with dementia being the single greatest cause of disability in Australians aged 65 years or older. Memory loss, dementia and the most extreme form of cognitive failure, the dementia of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), pose a huge public health … Read more

IBS is not a life sentence

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects almost 20% of Australians and New Zealanders1, and is known to cause significant distress in sufferers.  Once relegated to the stigmatised tag of a psychosomatic disorder, it is now clearly recognised as having a solid physiological basis caused by a relationship between genetic susceptibility and environmental triggers.2 Just some of … Read more

Hormones: more than just reproduction

When talk turns to hormones, most people think reproduction, monthly cycle, moods or the wife/girlfriend from hell. Truth is that our hormones are involved in a multitude of functions in the body. Most of these go unnoticed, at least until things get out of whack. At the heart of every woman’s health is her hormonal … Read more

The importance of a healthy body clock

The following article was written and submitted by Anne Graham These days, we seem to think that we can manipulate our bodies into doing whatever we want. Stay awake all night? Fine, we’ll bombard our brains with caffeine. Sleep when we’re not tired? No problem, there’s a pill for that. Lose weight? Easy peasy, you simply … Read more

Making healthy babies

For parents-to-be, having a baby is a time when they are particularly mindful of their diet, lifestyle and supplementation choices. With a magnitude of overwhelming information and recommendations around what constitutes good choices during pregnancy, it can be difficult for patients to ascertain appropriate protocols and methods to minimise potential negative outcomes. According to a … Read more

Gluten sensitivity and how it affects the brain

Gluten sensitivity is a term that is being heard more and more. But what exactly does it mean? And what are the implications of being sensitive to gluten? Coeliac disease is the most commonly recognized condition associated with gluten. It is an autoimmune condition whereby gluten provokes an abnormal immune response, resulting in the body … Read more

How to avoid toxins at home

Recently there has been a flurry of research and publications on the health risks from exposure to environmental toxins. This has alarmed many parents and has made them feel powerless. How could one person clean up smog and pollution from a local coal burning power plant? How could we fight the spraying of pesticides in … Read more

Muscle or joint pain relieved naturally

How can Naturopathy help with musculoskeletal injury? Musculoskeletal system refers to our muscles, tendons and ligaments, as well as bones and joints. Pain can occur in many ways, including:  sprains, fractures epicondylitis, bursitis, tendonitis, tenosynovitis [RSI], rotator cuff syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis Chronic pain often begins with inflammation and, if not … Read more