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Scientists find that sperm cells are affected by chemicals in household products

The Independent : Monday 12 May 2014 Chemicals in common household products such as toothpaste, soap and plastic toys have a direct impact on human sperm which could help explain rising levels of male infertility, scientists have found. One in three “non-toxic” chemicals used in the manufacture of everyday items significantly affected the potency of … Read more

Why do I need to see a Naturopath?

“I went on line and researched my symptoms.  I found this really good website which explained my disease and recommended all these great products.  I got all that needed on line.” Does this sound familiar?  Have you been tempted to self-diagnose yourself after reading information, whether it be on the internet, in a magazine or … Read more

Foods making us sick

The British Allergy Foundation estimates that about half the Western population suffers from food intolerance.  At least 70% of patients who adhere to a tailored elimination diet experience significant improvements.  This is a very important consideration in light of the fact that many chronic health conditions involve immune responses. What makes identification of intolerances so … Read more

Cadmium and Lead delay conception

According to researchers at the National Institute of Health in the United States, high blood levels of cadmium in females and high levels of lead in males can delay pregnancy in couples trying to become pregnant. 501 couples from 16 counties were studied from 2005 to 2009.  All couples were over 18 and were closely … Read more