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Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

Your body is an ecosystem

You may be familiar with terms like gut microbiome, gut flora, microbiota, gut bugs ….all these relate to the millions of microbes that inhabit our body, especially our digestive tract. What is a microbiome? An easy way to think about the microbiome is to first consider a “macrobiome.”  Picture a flourishing rainforest or thriving tundra … Read more

Sleep and your microbiome

Sleep remains an underestimated component of health, and the gut microbiome may be a significant influence. Connections exist between the GI microbiome and sleep physiology. The Gut Brain Axis, variations in the light/dark cycle, inflammation, as well as microbiome abundance and diversity may elucidate factors linking the gut microbiome and sleep physiology. Addressing the Gut … Read more

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Article by Dr Thomas Rau, BioMedicine International Unclear and Non-Definable Diseases (often called « NDD ») tremendously increase in frequency, nearly worldwide. Many ailments are non-definable, therefore these health problems are not recognized by orthodox medicine. But still, they are serious diseases, examples are: “Irritable bowel syndrome” “autonomic dysfunction syndrome” “Infection susceptibility syndrome” Chronic fatigue … Read more