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Beautiful skin starts on the inside

Our skin is a reflection of our internal health. The quest for radiant healthy skin is often focussed on external treatments such as creams, lasers, and various other topical therapies. Whist these therapies may assist in temporarily improving the appearance of the skin, they often work on the superficial levels of the dermis and epidermis … Read more

Foetal programming

Although research into foetal programming has been ongoing for years, little of this evidence has made it into main-stream. What is foetal programming? Foetal programming, also known as prenatal programming, is the theory that environmental cues experienced during foetal development play an important role in determining health trajectories across the lifespan of that child. The … Read more

How stress affects reproduction

It’s all connected We all know that stress isn’t good for our health, but what we often do not realise is that there is an intimate connection between stress, adrenal function, thyroid function and reproductive issues.  Continuous stress leads to high levels of stress hormones which not only negatively impact on thyroid function, but also … Read more

Osteoporosis – not just a lack of calcium

Often the first prescription people receive to combat osteoporosis, or osteopenia, is a Vitamin D and/or calcium supplement. Unfortunately, the most commonly prescribed brand uses calcium carbonate which is very poorly bioavailable. This form of calcium has also been linked with accumulating in soft tissues – including blood vessels, heart and kidneys – causing significant … Read more

Connecting the dots on female hormones

Understanding the glands that regulate your hormones The complex orchestration of hormones, affecting every cell of a woman’s body begins with the master regulator, the hypothalamus. In turn the pituitary, ovaries, adrenals and thyroid glands work in unison ensuring the delicate balance of hormones is maintained. This delicate balance can easily become overwhelmed without proper … Read more

What does health mean to you?

Health encompasses more than just the absence of illness –  it means physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well-being.  Physical health refers to the state of the body and its ability to function optimally. This includes factors such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, and avoiding harmful toxins and substances. Physical health involves maintaining a balanced lifestyle, like … Read more

Zinc, Immunity & more

Zinc is a critical micronutrient and a fundamental component for the function of several proteins. It is required for numerous biological processes, including reproduction, growth and development, neurological function, and perhaps most notably, immune function. Zinc deficiency is correlated with immune dysfunction and systemic inflammation, yet approximately 85% of Australian women and 50% of men … Read more

PCOS and Insulin Sensitivity

Magnesium (Mg) is an essential mineral which influences many areas of your health and how your body functions.  Recent research highlights its role in Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and insulin regulation. Due to the definitive known effect of magnesium on insulin resistance and the fact that insulin resistance is a main aetiology in polycystic … Read more

Sleep and your microbiome

Sleep remains an underestimated component of health, and the gut microbiome may be a significant influence. Connections exist between the GI microbiome and sleep physiology. The Gut Brain Axis, variations in the light/dark cycle, inflammation, as well as microbiome abundance and diversity may elucidate factors linking the gut microbiome and sleep physiology. Addressing the Gut … Read more

Cataracts – prevention and treatment

The following article excerpt shares information provided by Dr. Eric Berg, a chiropractor and health educator, and Dr Mercola  Cataracts1 is an eye condition that causes your vision to blur due to a buildup of proteins on the lens of your eye. Left untreated, cataracts can result in progressive loss of vision and, ultimately, blindness. Risk … Read more