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Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

Prevention is better than treatment

It is always wonderful to read about advances in medicine. Especially when this involves doctors acknowledging the importance of nutrition for our health.  For decades doctors have, and many still do, claim that “you can eat what you want” or “diet makes no difference” to your health.  Perhaps this is due to the fact that … Read more

Sleep and your microbiome

Sleep remains an underestimated component of health, and the gut microbiome may be a significant influence. Connections exist between the GI microbiome and sleep physiology. The Gut Brain Axis, variations in the light/dark cycle, inflammation, as well as microbiome abundance and diversity may elucidate factors linking the gut microbiome and sleep physiology. Addressing the Gut … Read more

Omega 3 & 6

The term “essential fatty acids” relates to oils/fats which must be obtained from diet. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) include the Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils. While Omega-9 oils are not truly “essential” because they can be synthesized in the body, sources include avocado, almond, peanut, and walnut oils. Omega-3 oils are contained in cold water fish … Read more