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Gut Health explained

Dr Mark Hyman explains the importance of a healthy gut, a diverse microbiome and reducing inflammation for optimal health.   Important note:  for my Australian readers, please consult your qualified naturopath for high grade Australian TGA-approved products and DO NOT order products on line as you have no control over quality.   Mark was not … Read more

Seeking mental clarity

What is meant by the ‘Gut-Brain Axis’? The connection between the gut and the brain, known as the Gut-Brain Axis, is a rapidly progressing field of research. Scientists are discovering more about how the gut and brain are connected. Every month, new data from universities and labs worldwide shows how important gut microbes are for human … Read more

Your body is an ecosystem

You may be familiar with terms like gut microbiome, gut flora, microbiota, gut bugs ….all these relate to the millions of microbes that inhabit our body, especially our digestive tract. What is a microbiome? An easy way to think about the microbiome is to first consider a “macrobiome.”  Picture a flourishing rainforest or thriving tundra … Read more

Sleep and your microbiome

Sleep remains an underestimated component of health, and the gut microbiome may be a significant influence. Connections exist between the GI microbiome and sleep physiology. The Gut Brain Axis, variations in the light/dark cycle, inflammation, as well as microbiome abundance and diversity may elucidate factors linking the gut microbiome and sleep physiology. Addressing the Gut … Read more

Depression – shattering the current theory

Science and research are ongoing, often revealing new evidence that sometimes challenges long-standing and long-held theories.  What precedes many of these scientific findings is decades of clinical evidence – so once science catches up, it’s really exciting. SHATTERING THE SEROTONIN THEORY OF DEPRESSION “Although it is often stated with great confidence that depressed people have … Read more

Candida – causes and answers

Article courtesy of Deborah Freudenmann, BHSc(Nat) Candida Albicans is one of the common fungal yeasts occurring naturally in the body. It lives in harmony with a large variety of microorganisms and performs some critical functions. However, patients may develop symptoms when some lifestyle-linked environmental conditions disrupt the balance of the microbiota of the body. The … Read more

Probiotics and our Microbiome

What do probiotics actually do?  Are they necessary? Believe it or not but our bodies have an internal ecosystem that is non human. We are a host to trillions of bacteria! These bacteria are our life force and play an important role in our ability to function as a living being. Without bacteria we simply … Read more

Is your gut fit?

Is your gut health in top shape?  It had better be because if its not you are more prone to illness and disease. We first have to understand that our good bacteria is an integral part of a healthy gut and to be healthy we need to understand more about the role bacteria (probiotics) play. … Read more

Holiday season tips

The month of festivities is here! A time of getting together, laughter, celebration and often over indulgence.  All this indulgence during the festive season can take its toll on our gut microbiome and health. Why not try to not let your gut health fall to far behind this festive season. After what 2020 has taught … Read more

The gut, microbiome and muscles

We have heard about the gut-brain axis, but what about the gut-muscle axis? And most importantly, how does it work and what conditions does it work in? A 2017 review investigated the role of the gut microbiome in sarcopenia and whether there is a gut-muscle axis that may be involved in its pathogenesis.1 Primary sarcopenia … Read more