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Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

Add colour to your life

Feeling motivated, driven and focused in our day-to-day lives depends on a number of environmental circumstances and influences in addition to your mood, energy and stress resilience status. Dopamine is a modulating neurotransmitter synthesised in the brain (as a monoamine), and the adrenal medulla (as a catecholamine), which governs motivation of positive reinforcement and reward, cognition, … Read more

The affliction of addiction

It has been calculated that the three most problematic mental illnesses worldwide, in terms of burden to daily living, are: depression anxiety addiction Whilst depression and anxiety are frequently treated by various means, addiction tends to receive less attention in clinics.  Addictions occur not only to – alcohol cigarettes illicit drugs but also to the … Read more

Food for thought: what’s making us fat and sick

Few would deny that the abundance of high calorie foods couples with a sedentary lifestyle is in the most part responsible for the surge in obesity in modern times. However, despite all the good advice about the importance of diet and exercise, there are anomalies in this theory.  For example, there are those who scarcely … Read more

Life, stress & illness

  The relationship between stress and illness is complex. The susceptibility to stress varies from person to person.  Factors that influence the susceptibility to stress are: genetic vulnerability familial learned mechanisms coping style type of personality and social support. Studies have shown that short-term stress boosted the immune system, but chronic stress has a significant … Read more

Our toxic new world

Recent studies confirm human exposure to heavy metals have risen dramatically as a result of an exponential increase of their use in industrial, agricultural, domestic and technological applications. Mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic and aluminium are found in numerous everyday sources from our environment and may be the cause of underlying immunological, metabolic and behavioural conditions. … Read more

Magnesium – essential yet often deficient

Up to 60% of Australians, Americans and Europeans are deficient in magnesium, a mineral that is essential for so many different metabolic pathways and bodily functions that it should really be a public health priority. Magnesium deficiency is associated with: preterm labour high blood pressure muscle cramps anxiety constipation diabetes osteoporosis, and countless other common … Read more


The condition of Candidiasis (chronic Candida albicans infection) is a fungal infection or overgrowth of fungus in the intestines. Candida is normally found in the gut, yet if its growth is out of control it can lead to a wide variety of symptoms including the intensification of auto-immune symptoms. An overgrowth of Candida results primarily from … Read more

Is your Gut happy?

During the past two decades, gluten sensitivity and Coeliac Disease (CD) have been recognised as multi-system autoimmune disorders with researchers and clinicians noting extra-intestinal manifestations linked to CD. So what does this mean? Psychiatric symptoms can be common complications manifesting for patients with undiagnosed CD. Interestingly, as many as 57% of the people with neurological … Read more