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Zinc, Immunity & more

Zinc is a critical micronutrient and a fundamental component for the function of several proteins. It is required for numerous biological processes, including reproduction, growth and development, neurological function, and perhaps most notably, immune function. Zinc deficiency is correlated with immune dysfunction and systemic inflammation, yet approximately 85% of Australian women and 50% of men … Read more

Supplements – the Pros and Cons

The following article was written by Grace Rivas, BHSc Nat. Practitioner, Nutritional & Herbal Medicine, Functional Medicine & Holistic Health –  The Pros & Cons of taking supplements… With the desire to attain good health, the ready availability of nutraceuticals and many online influencers promoting supplements, this self-prescribing trend has become dangerously popular, consequently with an increase in … Read more

No “One size fits all”

When it comes to using supplements, there are a lot of considerations that must be taken into account.  Simply reading something or listening to a well-meaning friend and then purchasing a supplement off the shelf does not mean it is suitable for you. Here’s one example of ECGC, an extract from green tea, known for … Read more

Low iron

Do you have low iron levels?  Iron levels won’t remain replete despite supplementation or even infusions? Lactoferrin may help. Article written by Laura Dwyer, BHSc (Naturopathy) published in ATMS Journal Vol 28 No 3 Anaemia – Iron Deficiency (ID) or Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA) – is a global public health concern, predominantly afflicting adolescent girls, … Read more

Immune defence network

The immune system is a complex defence network made up of three layers (Figure 1) – physical, chemical and mechanical.  The first level of defence represents the physical or mechanical barriers which includes the skin, mucous membranes and cilia (which trap and prevent pathogen entry as found in respiratory and digestive tracts). Chemical barriers include … Read more

Minerals: the ins and outs

Speak to any gardener or farmer and they will tell you that the success of their plants depends on the nutrient levels of the soil.  This is also true when it comes to our body which will only thrive if all nutrients are available.  These nutrients include minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids (good fats), complex … Read more

Viral Infection and pH

Certain viruses (including the rhinoviruses and coronaviruses that are most often responsible for the common cold and influenza viruses that produce flu) infect host cells by fusion with cellular membranes at low pH. Thus they are classified as “pH-dependent viruses.” The following is an excerpt from an article written by Dr. Mark Sircus, Jan 24, … Read more

Prevention of Breast Cancer

While it is refreshing to see more and more published medical research on prevention of cancer, much of the information is quite generic.  There is no mention of the most beneficial forms of the nutrients mentioned.  Everyone has unique needs with some people requiring activated forms of certain vitamins, others have problems absorbing or metabolising … Read more

The gut, microbiome and muscles

We have heard about the gut-brain axis, but what about the gut-muscle axis? And most importantly, how does it work and what conditions does it work in? A 2017 review investigated the role of the gut microbiome in sarcopenia and whether there is a gut-muscle axis that may be involved in its pathogenesis.1 Primary sarcopenia … Read more

Pyrroluria – Medical Condition or Biomarker?

Is Pyrroluria a discrete medical condition or is it a biomarker of other pathology? Courtesy of InterClinical Laboratories,we take a look into the history, research findings and treatment options.   Detection Hydroxyhemopyrrolin-2-one (HPL) or “mauve factor” was first discovered in 1958 in the urine Dr Hoffer’s psychiatric patients. It was named after the colour it appeared in chromatograph assays. … Read more