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Skin ageing – can it be reversed?

Senescence and ageing skin Research has identified the skin as a common site for the accumulation of senescent cells, a hallmark of ageing. Senescent cells are those that have ceased replication but continue living. Within the skin, they contribute to ageing further by damaging neighbouring cells, degrading the extracellular matrix and increasing tissue fibrosis.  Conversely, … Read more

Aspartame and brain damage

I shared the following article on my previous website in 2008 and, sadly, it seems that far too many people remain unaware of this information – particularly as it relates to mental health and neurological issues, both of which have increased in the past decade. Consuming a lot of aspartame may inhibit the ability of … Read more

Clearing out toxins

What is Detoxification? Detoxification is the process where: the body excretes toxic chemicals that it has been exposed to from the environment and diet, and the body excretes harmful compounds that are created during its own metabolism pathways (such as uric acid and excessive hormones) Doesn’t the Body Detoxify Naturally? Yes! The body has its … Read more

Sugar – are you having too much?

Sugar related diseases are on the rise.    Everyday hundreds of companies push their addictive, attractively packed products with additives that are not beneficial to our health. One CEO of a major food company stated ‘people want flavour’ and with that thought in mind nutrition goes out the window. They use many tricks to get … Read more

The pitfalls of Bicarbonate

Over the centuries human diets have evolved from being alkaline to acidic, which can lead to detrimental health effects. The body uses endogenous (made by the body) bicarbonate to buffer this acidity, but supply is limited. This has lead to the belief that simply replacing bicarbonate as an alkalising supplement will support the body. However, … Read more

Pyrroluria – Medical Condition or Biomarker?

Is Pyrroluria a discrete medical condition or is it a biomarker of other pathology? Courtesy of InterClinical Laboratories,we take a look into the history, research findings and treatment options.   Detection Hydroxyhemopyrrolin-2-one (HPL) or “mauve factor” was first discovered in 1958 in the urine Dr Hoffer’s psychiatric patients. It was named after the colour it appeared in chromatograph assays. … Read more

Detoxing – the body’s housekeeping

Every day, our bodies are exposed to pollutants and chemicals (external) and endogenous (internal) waste products. We process and eliminate most of these toxins as part of normal detoxification and elimination processes, via the liver, kidneys, intestines, skin, lungs and lymph. However, sometimes detoxification and elimination is impaired due to lifestyle, environmental and/or genetic factors.(1) … Read more

Mental health – anger issues and nutrition

Micronutrient Therapy for Negative Adolescent Behaviours It is a transformational time for our understanding of mental health disorders. They are no longer considered merely a chemical imbalance of neurotransmitter function but rather a broader interplay of factors which affect brain function.  Many emotional symptoms are in part the result of inflammation, gut dysbiosis, oxidative stress … Read more

Gestational Diabetes

The following research indicates that adequate magnesium may play a role in preventing gestational diabetes.  As is always the case with any supplement, taking the correct form is essential to achieving success.  There are many forms of magnesium, as indeed other minerals, with the Oxide being the most readily available over the counter (OTC).   However, … Read more

Are your food choices making you sick?

GoodFood,  By PAULA GOODYER     April 10, 2018 Is it a coincidence that as the number of over-processed foods in our supermarkets has grown, the diversity of microbes living in our gut has shrunk? Many researchers say our modern diet has a lot to answer for when it comes to the rise in obesity, diabetes, allergy … Read more