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Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

Warburg cancer theory revived

In the early 20th century, the German biochemist Otto Warburg believed that tumours could be treated by disrupting their source of energy. His idea was dismissed for decades — until now. The story of modern cancer research begins, somewhat improbably, with the sea urchin. In the first decade of the 20th century, the German biologist … Read more

It’s the Ratio that counts

Why Oestrogen:Progesterone ratio is so important The levels of different molecules within tumour cells yield information about cancer’’s nature. –In breast cancer, one of the most crucial factors for helping guide treatment is the oestrogen receptor (ER). Women with high levels of this molecule in their cancer cells (called ‘ER-positive’ breast cancer) benefit from hormone … Read more

Every woman is different

Do you know the full extent of the physiological impact of the OCP? I see a lot of women who are on the Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) or other form of hormone treatment, including implants or injections. Whether these women are on OCP for contraception, skin or ‘hormonal balancing’, they are often aware that it … Read more

Menopausal Relief: Eastern tradition meets clinical science

Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT) is known to increase the risk of breast cancer, and is one of the most important modifiable risk factors.1 Many women seek out alternatives to MHT to help support them through this life phase, safely and effectively. Herbal medicine is a powerful modality, and along with nutrition and lifestyle modifications, can … Read more

Can you help me?

When I receive phone calls from people enquiring about how natural medicine could help with their diagnosed conditions, my response may often appear vague. The reason for this is that there is no one treatment that fits every person or every dis-ease.  My response is usually that after a careful and thorough assessment of your situation, … Read more

The trouble with rice

As a plant, rice is particularly prone to absorbing certain toxic metals from the soil.        For the past few years, Mary Lou Guerinot has been keeping watch over experimental fields in southeast Texas, monitoring rice plants as they suck metals and other troublesome elements from the soil. If the fields are flooded in the traditional … Read more

The Body Battle

While the health benefits of maintaining an acid/alkaline balance in our diets has been an implored topic, sometimes the maintenance of this balance within our bodies remains unexplored. When a food is ingested, it is metabolized and broken down into molecules, but to keep things a little simpler, let’s say food is broken down into … Read more

What the dairy industry doesn’t want you to know

For the past 100 years or so, we have been told to consume more dairy.  Yet, our ancestors and indeed many cultures today, consume very little milk, cheese and other processed dairy products.  As with many of our foods today, they are produced and obtained very differently from those of our ancestors.  For many years … Read more

The Cost of Living with Cancer

New drugs could extend cancer patients’ lives—by days. At a cost of thousands and thousands of dollars. Prompting some doctors to refuse to use them. NEW YORK MAGAZINE Published Oct 20, 2013  – Avastin, $5,000/month; Zaltrap,   $11,000/month; Yervoy, $39,000/month; Provenge, $93,000/course of treatment;   Erbitux, $8,400/month; Gleevec, $92,000/year; Tasigna, $115,000/year;   Sprycel, $123,000/year. On August 3, 2012, the … Read more