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Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

Disease is not caused by your genes

Naturopathy is based on the fundamental principle  of treating the individual person rather than their symptoms or disease state. In order to identify the underlying cause of any symptoms, it is valuable to gain as comprehensive a case picture as possible, and certainly the more detailed information, the better understanding the practitioner has of the … Read more

Are your food choices making you sick?

GoodFood,  By PAULA GOODYER     April 10, 2018 Is it a coincidence that as the number of over-processed foods in our supermarkets has grown, the diversity of microbes living in our gut has shrunk? Many researchers say our modern diet has a lot to answer for when it comes to the rise in obesity, diabetes, allergy … Read more

Support sleep and gut health in ASD children

Nearly half of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder have compromised gastrointestinal function and nutrient deficiencies. Studies show the positive effect of multivitamin and mineral supplement on symptoms. Children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) are known to have significantly lower levels of most vitamins and minerals compared to healthy controls. The most common deficiencies are Vitamins … Read more

ADHD and impulsive behaviour

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most diagnosed behavioural disorder in children. The development of ADHD is multifactorial and can involve genetic, social, nutritional, parental and developmental factors, as well as environmental toxins. It is normal for children to have periods of inattention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity. However, when these behaviours become more frequent, last longer and more … Read more

Food for thought: what’s making us fat and sick

Few would deny that the abundance of high calorie foods couples with a sedentary lifestyle is in the most part responsible for the surge in obesity in modern times. However, despite all the good advice about the importance of diet and exercise, there are anomalies in this theory.  For example, there are those who scarcely … Read more

Our toxic new world

Recent studies confirm human exposure to heavy metals have risen dramatically as a result of an exponential increase of their use in industrial, agricultural, domestic and technological applications. Mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic and aluminium are found in numerous everyday sources from our environment and may be the cause of underlying immunological, metabolic and behavioural conditions. … Read more

Is your body toxic?

Keeping our bodies clean and free from toxins is essential to health.  However, when discussing toxins, patients often look puzzled and don’t understand where toxins come from.  Take a few minutes to consider the following information.  If you regularly use any of the personal care items or household products, chances are your body is challenged by … Read more

The bitter truth about sugar

Over the past several decades our sugar consumption has increased dramatically.  It is not only the white grains that are of concern, but the highly processed sugary syrups that are added to so many foods and beverages.  In particular, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which forms the base of soft drinks, baby foods and many … Read more


The following comment was received regarding autism: Speech and language delay & autism spectrum disorder are already some issues as they are. But it becomes even more serious and worse when we fail to recognise their implications early enough to deal with them properly.  One should consult physician / speech therapist to learn about it. … Read more