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What will your baby inherit?

Blue eyes?  Blonde hair?  OR lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium …..? Heavy metal testing should be the foundation of every preconception and infertility program.  Testing available through True Medicine. You may think that you lead a ‘healthy’ lifestyle, but unfortunately we are exposed to innumerable environmental toxins every day – and these toxins build up on our … Read more

Hydration is more than just drinking water

Let’s talk about what it means to be hydrated!  Many people drink abundant amounts of water, yet they are not hydrated. Drinking water does not necessarily mean you will be hydrated. Similarly to eating good food does not necessarily mean the cells are getting their nutrients either. One has to drink water of quality—water is … Read more

Chemicals that change your child’s brain

  Exposure to common hormone-disrupting toxins in pregnancy and early childhood has been linked to the increased incidence of brain development disorders reported in the last decade.1  Recent data expands upon the link between endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and maternal thyroid hormone signalling during early pregnancy, and how it impacts offspring IQ and influences possible neurodevelopmental … Read more

Support sleep and gut health in ASD children

Nearly half of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder have compromised gastrointestinal function and nutrient deficiencies. Studies show the positive effect of multivitamin and mineral supplement on symptoms. Children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) are known to have significantly lower levels of most vitamins and minerals compared to healthy controls. The most common deficiencies are Vitamins … Read more

Environmental chemicals and your unborn baby

There are calls for public health authorities to intervene to reduce the use of phthalates, following research suggesting that maternal exposure during pregnancy leads to shorter pregnancy duration and smaller head circumference. Phthalates may be used in coatings for tablets, or in perfumes, nail polish and eye makeup; household cleaning products; home flooring and wall … Read more

Eczema – how to avoid it

Eczema is increasingly common and makes children miserable – they don’t sleep well, they itch, they suffer and they become irritable. The good news is that it is generally treatable – if you stay away from foods and skin products that irritate your child’s skin, use good skin care, and support the immune system and … Read more

Do we need to supplement?

When it comes to supplements, there is a lot of conflicting information around.  Some people insist that if you eat a healthy balanced diet, there is no need to supplement.  Yes, and, No. We live in a world where soils have become both depleted in nutrients and polluted with chemicals. Even if the mineral level … Read more

Toxic Cocktails

Chemicals are commonly found in our food, air, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, personal care products and workplaces, giving scope for a vast number of synergistic interactions.  The following are among the best-known: One meal may contain traces of numerous different pesticides, including the synergists piperonyl butoxide and pyrethrins which together result in a heightened insecticidal activity. About … Read more

Where do your fruit & veg come from?

Pesticide exposure limits vary greatly between countries.  Pesticides are widely found in foods and their levels are regulated in many countries under a system of Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs).  In Australia, this is administered by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA), a body that receives all of its funding from industry.  MRLs are … Read more


Iodine is a vitally important nutrient that is detected in every organ and tissue.  Along with being essential for healthy thyroid function and efficient metabolism, there is increasing evidence that low iodine is related to numerous diseases, including cancer.  Worldwide, it’s thought that up to 40 percent of the population is at risk of iodine … Read more