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Mon to Thur 8:30am – 5pm

Balancing hormones with good nutrition

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) PMS affects up to 80-90% of females of reproductive age and is characterised by luteal phase physical, mood and behavioural symptoms. PMS has a large impact on quality of life and daily activities. It is believed magnesium modulates hormonal levels, especially progesterone, to relieve symptoms of depression, irritability, tiredness, and anxiety.1 Dysmenorrhoea … Read more

PCOS and Insulin Sensitivity

Magnesium (Mg) is an essential mineral which influences many areas of your health and how your body functions.  Recent research highlights its role in Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and insulin regulation. Due to the definitive known effect of magnesium on insulin resistance and the fact that insulin resistance is a main aetiology in polycystic … Read more

Minerals: the ins and outs

Speak to any gardener or farmer and they will tell you that the success of their plants depends on the nutrient levels of the soil.  This is also true when it comes to our body which will only thrive if all nutrients are available.  These nutrients include minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids (good fats), complex … Read more

Metals -V- Minerals

Are metals blocking your minerals?  Minerals such as magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, zinc and more are essential to a healthy body.  Without the right balance of minerals, the myriad of biochemical reactions that occur every second in our body just cannot happen. So how do low levels impact our health? Low magnesium and calcium … Read more